Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: New Acronis TI9 and DD10
started by: MrChris

Posted by MrChris on Jan. 28 2006,23:47
I have installed Acronis TI9 and Disk Director v10 and created an All in One ISO via Acronis Recovery CD/Image Maker. In a nut shell it creates a single ISO with Both TI9 and DD10 recovery data in it for both TI and DD10. It comes out to be like 48MB total. I then extract/save the boot info to a single BIF file witch drops down to 34MB. I then incorporate the new BIF into my Easy boot Menu but when I click on the menu entry I get an Error.

Starting Acronis Loader...
Boot failed, press any key..._

Has anyone tried this yet or seen this with the new Acronis Recovery Images?



Posted by xoben on Jan. 29 2006,06:16
It seems that new version of acronis products do not support multi-boot environment.

Posted by eureka on Jan. 29 2006,06:45
To MrChris

As xoben points out: “new version of acronis products do not support multi-boot environment”.

Please read this topic: <;t=473 >

I now, plenty of disks needed :(  but it works  :)  You need 7 disks for "disk director" and 8 disks for "true image"!

Posted by MrChris on Feb. 07 2006,14:13
So with that said,

Will there or is there any way around this?


Posted by Bruce Lee on Feb. 24 2006,13:50
Quote (xoben @ Jan. 29 2006,11:16)
It seems that new version of acronis products do not support multi-boot environment.

Hi Xoben,

See This :

It seems to Work !!!

You have TI and DD

Posted by xoben on Feb. 24 2006,19:42
Thank you Bruce Lee for the information.

1) Open the ISO file by UltraISO, choose 'Bootable'->'Save boot file' to get a BIF file, save it as c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot\timage.bif
2) Open timage.bif by UltraEdit, change the following bytes (see attached picture) and save.
   138h: 90 90
   13fh: 90 90
   1a7h: 90 90 90 90
   1adh: 0C
3) Use 'bootinfotable;run timage9.bif' to load
Posted by ptr727 on Mar. 11 2006,17:00
Quote (MrChris @ Jan. 29 2006,04:47)
I have installed Acronis TI9 and Disk Director v10 and created an All in One ISO via Acronis Recovery CD/Image Maker. In a nut shell it creates a single ISO with Both TI9 and DD10 recovery data in it for both TI and DD10.

I have both TI9 and DD10 installed on XP Pro SP2, and I can only create bootable media for TT or DD using 'Bootable Rescue Media Builder', but the media only contains TI or DD, not both. How did you create the combined install?

Posted by Mike on May 05 2006,20:11
Is it the same Hex editing for Acronis True Image Entreprise Server v9.1.0.3534 as for True Image v9.0.

I got a meassage that says Starting Acronis Loader...
then noting more happens. need some more help.  ???

Posted by BraM on May 10 2006,20:12
Greetings fellow users..

I wish to further clarify the original post by MrChris as I think the thread has moved a little of the mark.

The new Acronis 'Bootable Rescue Media Builder' now has the facility to make an .ISO image (where as previously you could either create multiple floppy’s or a bootable CD only).

True Image 9.1 Build 3602 'Bootable Rescue Media Builder' has the ability to make separate .ISO images for True image and Disk director as well as some type of boot manager/controller (used for booting to the Acronis control centre). It also has the ability to create an "all in one" .ISO image that includes all three. Disk Director 10.0 build 2117 can make the Disk Director .ISO only.

The .ISO(s) & .BIF(s) extracted are quite large - in relation to the older bootable images.

As previously stated these .ISO images are proving difficult to incorporate into our Easyboot projects. I have had no success after trying to use a few different methods. ie; the original method that can be found in one of "hulks" earlier posts as well as attempting to tool around with the new BCDW feature of Easyboot.

Posted by Incroyable HULK on May 10 2006,21:32
My multiboot CD has the following item working properly:

Disk Director Full Version 10.0.2117
Disk Director Safe Version 10.0.2117

True Image Workstation with Universal Restore (Full version) 9.1.3602
True Image Workstation with Universal Restore (Safe version) 9.1.3602

The technique I used is still the same (floppy images)
< >

Posted by BraM on May 11 2006,22:16
Incroyable HULK,

I'm glad you have been able to achieve success with your technique... But I'm not sure how you managed it.

I attempted the technique using True Image Workstation 9.1.3602 & Disk Director 10.0.2117.

When I'm in the rescue media builder using the floppy disk option I get these stats: -

True Image - full version only = 11 disks @ 14meg
True Image - safe version only = 9 disks @ 12meg
True Image - full version & Safe together - the media builder gives you a message that states that it can not be done via floppy, please use larger media. And that's without the universal restore addition.

The same goes for Disk Director, it just uses fewer disks for each image, but it won't let me use floppy for both full & safe version together.

So I ask you this... how did you do it?

Posted by Incroyable HULK on May 12 2006,07:24
Oh, I see...  ???

Well I didn't do it this way, I've built one floppy image for each version. I didn't tried to combine them into a single floppy image.

I prefer this way. Otherwise, you get a second level menu with the Acronis tools instead of being able to launch the program directly from your menu...

Posted by BraM on May 14 2006,19:01
I see...

That's a lot of work and a lot of disks (11 at least). And it must end up a very busy CD Menu, especially if - like me - you have other apps like UBCD & Hiren's etc...

However, the original issue still remains...

How can we incorporate these Acronis .ISO's into the EasyBoot menu without any problems? Is it possible?

I am using the Acronis all-in-one as a stand-alone and it's quite handy. To be able to add it to my EasyBoot project would be cool (second level menu and all).  :;):

Posted by Tmod on Jun. 29 2006,08:14
The way I did it was to create a ISO file either all in one or TI 9.0 & DDS 10.0 seperate as I tried it both ways.

I then used UltraISO to extract the boot info from the ISO file and then saved the bif file and used the following run lines.

'bootinfotable;run ti9.0.bif'
'bootinfotable;run dds10.bif

I tried extracting the boot info from the CD after creating it using either the ISO or the program to write the CD and neither way worked.

I also have True Image 8.0 Build 1158 running on it as well as some other partitioning and disk erase programs.


Posted by sokrin on Aug. 06 2006,05:11
here's the method i used to rip the bifs from TI 9.1 One click and Full

when making the backup, select the DVD-RW/CDRW drive as the destination. this should enable you to see the media tab + burn first disk in advance. use a cd rewritable and burn only the first disk. once that's been burnt, open the cd in ultraiso and save the boot. tried it a few times already and it has always worked.

/me loves one click restore!

if you have a place i can upload to, i can always send you my extracted bifs.