Forum: EasyBoot Topic: DSLinux Bootable Image problem started by: sachinrm Posted by sachinrm on Sep. 03 2006,07:03
Hi.steps I used. 1. Extracted boot image to ezboot (dsl.bif) 2. Extracted all the root files from ISO to disk1 3. In EasyBoot .. changed / run dsl.bif 4. After testing..getting error! Image Checksum error.... Can anyone help me? Download < > This Iso.file boot properly..but when..bootable.image.extracted.and made ISO from Easyboot then gives problem. Sachin Posted by xoben on Sep. 06 2006,23:46
Please use 'bootinfotable;run dsl.bif' to load a ISOLINUX-based system.
Posted by sachinrm on Sep. 10 2006,08:25
Thank You..Worked...fine.. bye SaCHiN Posted by szbwhw on Sep. 19 2006,18:14
HiAnd what happen if you have allready another root files on the master cd ? For example I boot ERD2005 with an erd2005.bin in ezboot folder and a folder ERD5 in the disk1 folder. I use the replace functionality to change the i386 string in the bin file. Can i create another subfolder in disk1 called for example TEST and simply place my *.bif file in ezboot ? Or must I change any string in my bif file before ? Thanks for reply. Seb Posted by sachinrm on Sep. 20 2006,02:36
Yes you can add different Thanx. SaCHiN Posted by szbwhw on Sep. 20 2006,08:03
Thanks for reply.But which string must I search for ? And what string must I put then ? isolinux ? Thanks. Posted by argon70cv on Sep. 21 2006,03:46
(sachinrm @ Sep. 20 2006,06:36) QUOTE Yes you can add different folder.. Thanx. SaCHiN (szbwhw @ Sep. 20 2006,12:03) QUOTE But which string must I search for ? And what string must I put then ? isolinux ? Is sachinrm dead? Why too often the threats suddenly stop before an useful conclusion, leaving the topic starter - and all other interested readers - disappointed and unsatisfied?? Can anyone complete the topic < DSLinux Bootable Image problem > ? Posted by sachinrm on Sep. 21 2006,10:09
Yup!I done DsLinux.. n changed..for..boot directory.. i.e. I tried. ..DSLinux and Slax.. both has Boot Directory...! named BOOT I changed Boot directory for DSLinux and for Slax.. I kept Direcotry original BOOT. Open Bif file of DSL in HEX Editor.. carefully changed \boot\ with \dslb\ But if Knoppix\knoppix file with more... i have not got success. Thanx SaCHiN Posted by sachinrm on Sep. 21 2006,10:17
Dear ..argon70cv dont get frustrated... Even I also posted one topic REcoversoft Data Rescue.. but no one has replyed... Thanx SaCHiN |