Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Paragon Hard Disk Manager problem?!
started by: eDamiano

Posted by eDamiano on Sep. 18 2006,18:15
Hello everyone!

steps I used:

1. Extracted boot image to ezboot (paragon.bif)
2. Extracted all the root files from ISO to disk1
3. In EasyBoot .. changed / run paragon.bif
4. After testing..getting catastrophy!
Blackboard... with cursor...

Can anyone help me?

This Iso.file boot properly..but when..boot from Easyboot then gives problem. Looks like this:

Posted by sachinrm on Sep. 20 2006,02:39
Try in run..

bootinfotable;run paragon.bif


Posted by eDamiano on Sep. 21 2006,17:37
That's just what I think about it!
It's based on Linux, so I thought exactly like you. But IT STILL DOESN'T WORK! Do you have any more sugestions? Thanx anyway