Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Looking for a little help with a ghost 8.5 restore started by: RandyJ Posted by RandyJ on Aug. 28 2006,09:19
I am trying to get this menu working properly before I finalize this little project.I made an image of my HDD, the image spanned into four 2 Gig files. I have two files per DVD, but my menu is giving me some poroblems. I already ruined about ten DVDs because I thought I had it right, but then I tested, it errored out on the second DVD. I think my switches may be wrong, can someone who is pretty familiar with this help me out. I am tired of working on this. This is what I have. // config.sys [menu] menuitem=CD, Restore PC Hard Drive menuitem=QUIT, Quit menudefault=QUIT menucolor=7,0 [CD] FILES=30 BUFFERS=20 DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato LASTDRIVE=Z [QUIT] // autoexec.bat @echo off IF "%config%"=="QUIT" GOTO QUIT MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:X PATH=a:\;a:\dos;x:\ghost ghost.exe -clone,mode=restore,src=X:\IMG2K3.GHO,dst=1 rb -sure :QUIT echo echo echo echo PC has been restored - Press any key to restart echo. echo After the PC restarts, remove the DVD from the drive echo pause I don't know why when I stick in the second dvd the program just errors out and crashes. Am I missing something here? Appreciate the help Randy Posted by El Jefe on Aug. 29 2006,13:10
I checked < symantec > to see if the MODE=RESTORE is still there under -CLONE options and it doesn't appear to be.Have you tried using MODE=LOAD or MODE=PRESTORE? I haven't had any problems using MODE=LOAD, then again I haven't had the need to load partions. Posted by RandyJ on Aug. 29 2006,18:32
(El Jefe @ Aug. 29 2006,17:10) QUOTE I checked < symantec > to see if the MODE=RESTORE is still there under -CLONE options and it doesn't appear to be. Have you tried using MODE=LOAD or MODE=PRESTORE? I haven't had any problems using MODE=LOAD, then again I haven't had the need to load partions. At first I used the MODE=LOAD, but after everything crashed on the 2nd dvd I assumed its a syntax problem. So upon looking at ghost switches, I noticed that they used a MODE=Restore, I tried that but the same thing occured. I am not really sure what I am missing to have to restore from 2-3 dvds. I guess it wil be all trial and error for me. Thanks. Posted by El Jefe on Sep. 25 2006,12:10
I'm such an idiot...This one is easy and I should have noticed it from the name of the image! I have found that you CANNOT end the name of your ghost image with a number. This has kicked my ass too many times to count. Try recreating the image as 2K3IMG.GHO and you should be fine. The reason is that ghost uses the old 8.3 naming convention and when it 'spans' it inserts numbers into the end of the image name. Thus if your image name ends with a # then it will lose its mind when trying to restore. Let me know if that fixes your problems. Cheers! |