Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Hide
started by: psylox

Posted by psylox on Jul. 03 2006,18:43
What is the diference between the following 2 "hide" options in when creating an ISO file ?

- Hide boot folder.
- Hide all files under boot folder.

if i mark "Hide boot folder"  then all files in that folder are also hidden,   so why there is a 2nd option  "- Hide all files under boot folder."  If the first option al ready hide them ?  

I am confused :(

the only thing i can hide is the BOOT FOLDER "ezboot"

thx for any info.

Posted by xoben on Jul. 03 2006,22:47
- Hide boot folder.
You can stiil access files in 'ezboot' folder by typing 'cd' command on DOS Console.

- Hide all files under boot folder
You cannot access any files by DOS command.

Posted by psylox on Oct. 03 2006,16:37
Doesnt work !

I still see all files, this option doesnt hide anything ;(

What is the boot folder named in EZBOOT ?
is it ezboot or DISK1 ?
