Forum: EasyBoot Topic: How to put two PE live CD's on a single disk? started by: DSB_DSB Posted by DSB_DSB on Sep. 30 2006,19:55
I want to put UBCD + UBCD4win COMBO disc & my own old build from bart's PE builder on a single disk, is it possible & if yes than how to go about it. Thanks in anticipation of quick reply.
Posted by mionica on Oct. 07 2006,05:19
put both the i386 folders in c:/easyboot/disk1, naming them, say, UB4W and BTPE, respectively; then use (in the EasyBoot menu) the command bcdw /ub4w/setupldr.bin for UBCD4Win and bcdw /btpe/setupldr.bin for BartPE