Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Hide boot folder started by: psylox Posted by psylox on Oct. 03 2006,16:53
This option doesnt work ;(I created 3 iso,s (burned them to cdrw as well) I used the options (hide boot folder, hide all files in boot folder, unhide both) 3x cdrw < if i open this cd, then i still see all files on all the cd's i have created. nothing has changed ![]() I wane HIDE all my easyboot .bin, .img files and .bmp files i use whit the menu's. but it doesnt work ;( thx for anyinfo Posted by xoben on Oct. 03 2006,21:50
QUOTE if i open this cd, then i still see all files on all the cd's i have created 1) Which tools are you using for hide files and folders? 2)How did you see them? On windows or DOS prompt? Posted by psylox on Oct. 04 2006,11:49
Hi Xoben.1st, i do not use a tool to hide the folder, i try to use the option from easyboot. 2nd, i see them both in windows, Cmd, and also on a mounted .iso file thank you for any information. Posted by xoben on Oct. 04 2006,22:59
Please note only folder c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot and all files under it will be hidden.
Posted by mionica on Oct. 07 2006,05:55
actually (using UltraISO, not EasyBoot) you can super-hide any file or folder. however, most things won't work if you do that; for instance, super-hiding the boot folder of, say, WinXP works ok, but if you try to hide all files in it, Windows won't be able to install.the idea is that certain things need to see the files on the disk (the XP setup is one example; another one is IsoLinux), if you want things to work as expected. I, for one, published on this forum (don't remember where) a hacked isolinux version which doesn't care of files being super-hidden - but i wouldn't go into patching the cdfs.sys of winxp - it's not worth the effort |