Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Create bootable CD of Win. XP PRO in 2 languages
started by: stamyo

Posted by stamyo on Oct. 25 2006,14:39
Hello everybody,
i tryied to make a bootable CD of
(i) Windows XP PRO english &
(ii) Windows XP PRO greek

I follow the the instructions of creating a multiple bootable DVD.. well, it is not exactly the same procedure because the does not specifically explains how to create a bootable cd of 2 different Windows XP O.S., so i guess that i have done something wrong with the files.

the following is the procedure i have done:
1. C:\EasyBoot\disk1 I copy the files win51, win51ic and win51ip (win51ic & win51ip are the files of winxp english and greek)
2. C:\EasyBoot\disk1 I also created two folders winxpen and winxpgr to copy the appropriate files in these folders.
3. C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot i create two *.bin files (winxpen and winxpgr)

when i tryied to do a format and install the greek version (i did in pc's who had greek windows xp and english windows pro OS) everything appeared chinese!
at the other hand when i tryied to install the english version i received a message and the procedure of format did not completed (i cant remember what the message was but if it is essential i can find it)

Posted by xoben on Oct. 25 2006,19:42
1) Keep greek version at the original place (I386)
2) Do exactly as the guide of EasyBoot for adding English version XP (for example, using 'xpen', not 'winxpen' or other names)