Forum: EasyBoot Topic: EasyBoot Window Disappears! started by: AndrewJ Posted by AndrewJ on Dec. 31 2006,05:36
Hi everyone!I have a few issues with EasyBoot (on XP Pro SP-2) that I hope someone can help me with: 1) If I go to Options->Configuration->Screen Resolution and set the resolution to be the same as (or greater than) my current Windows resolution (800x600), then clicking on the Preview Window causes the Main Window to simply disappear! I just can't seem to get it back at all except by killing and restarting the program. Is there a solution to this bug/'feature'? 2) How do I specify Logo and Background Images? There doesn't seem to be a Browse button so do I have to type the full paths? 3) Can the Main Window be made resizable? Currently the Layout/Text/Menu tabs have places where a lot of left/right scrolling is necessary. TIA for the help! - Andrew Posted by xoben on Dec. 31 2006,21:42
1) You may press 'Alt+F4' to close the preview window, then click on 'Show' option under 'Preview Window' twice to show it again.Tips: Please avoid clicking on the preview window when your computer has resolution equal or less than the settings of boot menu. 2) At present, typing the full path is the only supported method. Posted by AndrewJ on Jan. 01 2007,00:27
Regarding the resolution problem, wouldn't it be simpler to have 2 buttons on the taskbar - 1 each for the main program window and the preview window? Then switching could be accomplished easily.
Posted by xoben on Jan. 01 2007,08:41
Thanks AndrewJ for your suggestion.
Posted by CDMaker on Jan. 04 2007,01:08