Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Bartpe and winxp
started by: neon0815

Posted by neon0815 on Nov. 01 2006,14:16
thats my first post and i like say hello to everybody

I have 1 question

how i can make a bootable dvd with

bartpe and windows xp pro

thanks for help

Posted by xoben on Nov. 01 2006,19:11
1) Open the BartPE ISO by UltraISO
   - Press F4 to extract all files and folders to c:\easyboot\disk1
   - Choose 'Bootable'->'Save boot file' to extract boot image from the ISO, save it as 'c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot\bart.bif'

2) Adding Windows XP Pro
   Here is a step by step instruction for adding Windows XP (English version):
  - Make a folder named 'xpen' under 'c:\easyboot\disk1'
  - Copy 'win51' and 'win51p' (from root directory of original CD) to 'c:\easyboot\disk1'
  - Copy I386 folder to 'c:\easyboot\disk1\xpen'
  - Copy wxp.bat from 'c:\easyboot\resource' to 'c:\easyboot\disk1\xpen', and run it there
  - Copy w2ksect.bin in 'c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot' to a new file xpen.bin
  - Start EasyBoot, click 'Tools'->'Replace Text', browse file 'c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot\xpen.bin', and specify 'I386' as "Text to Replace", 'XPEN' as "Replace to", then click 'Replace', 1 occurence should be replaced
  - Do step 6 to 'c:\easyboot\disk1\xpen\setupldr.bin', and replace 'i386' to 'xpen', 4 occurences should be replaced
  - Open 'c:\easyboot\disk1\xpen\txtsetup.sif' by NotePad (or UltraEdit), search for 'SetupSourcePath', and change [SetupSourcePath = "\"] to [SetupSourcePath = "\XPEN"] (not include [])

3) Create menu and burn
  - Set one menu item's command as 'run xpen.bin'
  - Set another menu item's command as 'run bart.bif'
  - Save menu file
  - Click 'Make ISO' to get a bootable ISO
  - Click 'Burn CD' to burn a disc if you have Nero, otherwise please visit <;f=2;t=621 >

Posted by jastus on Jan. 05 2007,03:44
i did everything like in instruction that you write and everything works fine but when os starts to install it gives message insert disk labeled Windows xp professional service pack cd into drive A