Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Easyboot problem started by: psylox Posted by psylox on Oct. 14 2006,17:05
I have created a iso with bartpe called XPPE (XPE + some more files) BartPe Created a XPPE folder as well, This iso is working without any problem when burned directly to CD. If i use the XPPE folder that Bartpe created, and moved this XPPE folder into DISK1 of Easyboot, I Hexed the required files (SETUPLDR.BIN) XPE is booting, ramdisk size is changed, desktop shows etc etc. But hen ill get a MSG Windows could not load the installer DiskDrive. Start menu is missing. thanks for any help. Posted by xoben on Oct. 14 2006,21:06
For PE-based systems, please do not check 'DOS 8.3' or 'Joliet' on making a bootable ISO.
Posted by narin on Dec. 19 2006,15:10
I have create a dvd bootable. It not bootable, it has display error message shortly and goto start windows XP quickly.The error message is : error 03 Could who resolve this ploblem, tell me please, thanks. my email is: Posted by z7archangel7z on Jan. 08 2007,10:48
QUOTE For PE-based systems, please do not check 'DOS 8.3' or 'Joliet' on making a bootable ISO. I make a DVD multiBoot With Damn Small Linux And PE-based systems, without Joliet DS linux no Work ![]() And With Joliet PE-based systems no work:S Help plz Posted by z7archangel7z on Jan. 08 2007,11:58
QUOTE I have found a solution to this when using EasyBoot. Took me a while.. but found it. Make your CD as normal. Make it using settings such that BartPE will be happy with the first ISO. IE check only: Optimize (not DOS 8.3 AND DEFINITLY NOT JOLIET which is required for Knoppix) Hide Boot Folder Hide all files in boot folder. Make your ISO. Open your ISO in UltraISO. Go to file-->Properties. Only ISO 9660 should be checked. Omit ISO 9960 version number should be checked as well as MAX(221) Make 2 changes and 2 changes only. Under file-> properties Check Joliet Change to Extended[110] Resave. BartPE should now be happy, and Knoppix should be happy as well. This is by far the easiest method I've seen for making the two live in a happy marriage together... ~FerrariGuy Very Thx!!!! ~FerrariGuy God Bless U Atte: z7z ![]() "You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother." - Albert Einstein |