Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Windows and linux
started by: chaudhuri

Posted by chaudhuri on Jun. 08 2005,11:03
i was creating a bootable windows xp sp2 installation cd which had still space left so i decided to put in a linux live cd in it.
So i setelled for
"Damm Small Linux"

But how do i create it.
Can somebody help me Plz

Posted by Arizon on Jun. 09 2005,08:59
I like step by step guide so here is one for you:

1. Copy all files from Knoppix to C:\EasyBoot\disk1
2. Copy file isolinux.bin from CD  \boot\isolinux to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot
3. Start EasyBoot and in Menu tab make command bootinfotable;run isolinux.bin
4. Press Make ISO and chech that joliet is turned on

bif files you get with UltraISO. When you insert bootable CD you have option Bootable - Extract Boot File from CD\DVD. When you save that file (knoppix.bif for example) you can use it like isolinux.bin but I didn't try that.

Thanks all the people in this forum who helped me to make this.
Posted by Hasan Mahamud Rasel on Jun. 13 2005,00:28
I want some .img how can i get please give some address:(
Posted by Arizon on Jun. 13 2005,01:01
You don't need it for linux becouse it's allready on cd. I use Knoppix and it is in Boot\Isolinux\isolinux.bin.
So type run bootinfotable; run isolinux.bin
If you want to make from another version use UltraISO. How to do that you can find in previous topics.
Posted by z7archangel7z on Jan. 05 2007,13:43

(Arizon @ Jun. 09 2005,12:59)
4. Press Make ISO and chech that joliet is turned on

I make a DVD MultiBoot With bootinfotable; and Joliet

the DVD Have   miniPE XT and Damn Small Linux

But when i Use Joliet on - some programs of miniPE no work:S

the miniPE start fine.. but the programs like opera or some tools don't run.

Plz HELP  :( Sorry my English

Posted by z7archangel7z on Jan. 08 2007,11:59
I have found a solution to this when using EasyBoot. Took me a while.. but found it.

Make your CD as normal. Make it using settings such that BartPE will be happy with the first ISO.

IE check only:
Optimize (not DOS 8.3 AND DEFINITLY NOT JOLIET which is required for Knoppix)
Hide Boot Folder
Hide all files in boot folder.

Make your ISO.

Open your ISO in UltraISO.

Go to file-->Properties.

Only ISO 9660 should be checked.
Omit ISO 9960 version number should be checked as well as MAX(221)

Make 2 changes and 2 changes only. Under file-> properties

Check Joliet
Change to Extended[110]


BartPE should now be happy, and Knoppix should be happy as well.

This is by far the easiest method I've seen for making the two live in a happy marriage together...


Very Thx!!!! ~FerrariGuy        God Bless U Atte: z7z :laugh:

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