Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Bootable ISO file
started by: HenryV1955

Posted by HenryV1955 on Jan. 17 2007,15:56
If I create an ISO file from a hard drive, lets say the entire 'C' drive of another pc, how do I make the file bootable to use in MS Virtual pc?


Posted by mkmt on Jan. 18 2007,01:30
it's not possible

use Live View( and VMware

Posted by HenryV1955 on Jan. 18 2007,12:17
Thanks mkmt for your reply. Its amazing, I have searched for a single product that will do this.....and there isnt one.

I ran liveview, but it only works with .img or .dd or raw. In the help was a link to FTK Imager. this only creates an ISO file, and not one from a mapped network pc.

VMWare wont work with .iso files and MS Virtual pc doesnt like the ISO file I created with UltraISO.

Round and round...............

Can you provide any more info?
