Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Extremely annoying problem with easyboot started by: kooler Posted by kooler on Jan. 07 2007,07:51
I have a problem with easyboot. Even if logo is disabled when i run a submenu or return from a submenu to main menu a green screen appears on half of the screen for a second. Why is that i don't know but is very annoying. How can i eliminate this unwanted splash screen ? Just to be clear, is not about logo image which is disabled. There is no green image or something in my build. Posted by xoben on Jan. 07 2007,21:47
Hello kooler, please check your PM for an answer.
Posted by tinsnow on Jan. 15 2007,14:15
hi xoben. if you post it here it might be useful for everyone here.thank you i also face such a problem Posted by kooler on Jan. 16 2007,13:34
I think anyone is facing the same problem.If not everyone have the same problem, maybe creating iso on another computer or something can fix the problem? Maybe xoben can confirm.
Posted by kooler on Mar. 22 2007,18:24
xoben there is no workaround for this problem? I surely give up easyboot if I don't find a workaround for this. Only I find very annoying that flash screen?