Forum: EasyBoot Topic: USB-Stick an EasyBoot started by: rodger Posted by rodger on Jan. 04 2007,18:42
Hi,I have a bootable USB-Stick. How can I install my MenĂ¼, which I have created by EasyBoot on my Stick, so that I can boot with it in DOS? Thanks Posted by xoben on Jan. 04 2007,19:00
Sorry, EasyBoot does not support this function yet.
Posted by Aaron.Shanas on Jan. 06 2007,17:29
Certain USB pen drives support a technology called "U3" which essentially creates a virtual CD-ROM on your device. When a computer supports booting to USB (which yours obviously does), there should be a way to get EasyBoot to function within the U3 portion of the drive. However, it is only around 5MB of space in most cases.
Posted by rodger on Jan. 07 2007,17:01
Yes this ist good, when someone know how does it work
Posted by MrChris on Mar. 06 2007,23:20
Iv gone down this road in the past and and was told by someone @ Forums that it cant be done. But I would like to think it could be done. But who knows.< > Grub works pretty good. Posted by rodger on Apr. 01 2007,05:12
does someone know it