Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Bootable website
started by: spyderman

Posted by spyderman on Apr. 08 2007,20:36
Here is what I am trying to do. I have created a website with Microsoft Frontpage. I would like to burn it to a DVD and when you put it in your DVD drive it will load the website automatically. I guess make a bootable html document. Is this possible? Does anyone have an idea.
Thank You!

Posted by joe941988 on Apr. 08 2007,21:17
I don't think you can use Easyboot for what you need.  I think you need to make a file call "autorun.inf"  You can make that with MS Notepad.

This website may help you:  < >

Posted by joe941988 on Apr. 09 2007,20:15
I'm not sure if I'm right about that^^^  So if anyone else knows for sure, then give this guy a hand.

I hate asking for help in forums and getting one or two really bad answers, and I'm sure this guy does too!

Posted by spyderman on Apr. 09 2007,22:21
Ok well I tried this. I did id in notepad and saved it as Autorun.inf saved it on the disk with the website. But it didnt work. Anyone have any other ideas. Any help would be great!


Posted by joe941988 on Apr. 10 2007,00:40
If I was right with you, I might be able to help you.  I would have to see your files and make file myself.  Sorry man.