Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: hello world
started by: kallstrom_74

Posted by kallstrom_74 on Apr. 15 2007,06:10
Hi! i am new to this so i would like to check if i got things right,,,i want to make a multiboot disc with xp and windos server 2003 and some other tings..
i looked at this

" Open the ISO image by UltraISO
   - Press F4 to extract all files and folders to c:\easyboot\disk1
   - Choose 'Bootable'->'Save boot file' to extract boot image from the ISO, save it as 'c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot\xxx.bif'
2) Use 'run xxx.bif' as command to load it."

that i get..for the first iso..but how do i do with the other isos? will it be "disk 2" or what? "c:\easyboot\disk2"

please tell me the mapping of 3 isos so i can see that things go

please help me make this right :)

AND..will easyboot support booting iso files directly anytime?

and IS there any way so that i can use vista in my boot disk? i have read the forums but it wont say anyting good about it