Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Partition table doctor 3.5
started by: maxrealqnx

Posted by maxrealqnx on May 26 2007,14:56
Hi !
I can little speak english so sorry  :(

I'm download partition table doctor 3.5 demo

< >

I'm exctract ptd.iso's boot sector file with magiciso > ptd.bif

copy ptd.bif in /ezboot  folder

I'm write in easy boot menu tab >

bootinfotable;run ptd.bif


bcdw /ezboot/ptd.bif

but wrong error message for bios cannot support interrupt 13 extensions.

How to make multiboot ?

Posted by xoben on May 26 2007,20:59
"Partition table doctor" is a hardware sensitive program, it is recommanded to burn a bootable CD-RW and try again.
Posted by maxrealqnx on May 27 2007,11:23

(xoben @ May 27 2007,00:59)
"Partition table doctor" is a hardware sensitive program, it is recommanded to burn a bootable CD-RW and try again.

Yes really true  :laugh:
This is only working on physical bootable cd  :O

Thanx a lot xoben for interest.

Bye  :laugh: