Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Paragon Hard Disk Manager
started by: eJan

Posted by eJan on Mar. 19 2007,10:23
Help please, I'd like to add Paragon Partition Manager 8.5 to boot with EasyBoot, but all methods I have tried doesn't work, maybe someone know working solution?

Posted by Darkane666 on Mar. 29 2007,11:01
same problem here I posted a topic too with no replies
good news is I solved it
paragon products can not be booted by a separate bif file cuz thier boot sector is modified and ofcourse you can't load ISO file directly "except acronis"
so you use the following line as your easyboot command

bcdw /ezboot/isolinux.bin /paragon/vmlinuzp initrd=/paragon/initrd.gz splash=silent quiet root=/dev/ram0 eng_ver vga=0x314

for this to run you must have isolinux in your ezboot folder
while the contents of paragon ISO in a folder "paragon"
on your bootable CD root
one more thing if you get  "could not load kernel image vmlinuzp" error
this means you paragon hard manager is older than mine and uses BZimage kernel so replace the word vmlinuzp with BZimage in your easyboot command
ofcourse you can check which file exists in your paragon folder contents and save yourself the trouble
I learned that from the UBCD forum
< >
it works enjoy

Posted by eJan on Mar. 30 2007,16:36
Thanks Darkane666!
Here's screenshoot while booting iso created with EasyBoot in VirtualPC (debug mode) - which worked fine.
< [IMG]] >,
But when I burn image using Nero it stop for a 5-10 seconds, then boot failed - I have added 'isolinux.bin' from syslinux-3.36, 'bcdw.bin' and 'bcdwldr.bin' to 'easyboot' folder.
'bcdw.bin' and 'bcdw.ini' to 'bcdw' folder (maybe I'm missing some files).
< [IMG]] >

Posted by Darkane666 on Mar. 30 2007,16:55
you should burn by easyboot itself , i always do that
and since the the dots started appearing like this
then the booting started right , and your version is like mine using vmlinuzp
for the error i am afraid to tell you i am not a linux user so if you search the web with words like
isolinux disk error boot failed        "disk error 20"
you will find it for sure just hope the linux users who discussed it were using easy terms to understand
this forum may help too
< >
finally check hardware and bios compatibilty on ISOlinux site
< >
good luck

Posted by eJan on Mar. 31 2007,14:14
Great it work now, I have replaced bad-unreadable CD-RW disc with new one using Nero. Thanks again Darkane666!

Posted by Darkane666 on Mar. 31 2007,19:45
you are welcome :)
Posted by gold on Apr. 06 2007,13:29
Can you please explain it by step by step?
Posted by Darkane666 on Apr. 07 2007,18:40
do as follows:
1-extract Paragon ISO file contents to a folder named "paragon" on your bootable CD root like "DISK1\"
so the folder structure so far is "disk1\paragon\"
make sure they include:
inird.gz  (A MUST)
vmlinuzp OR bzimage  one of them is your kernel

2-now in your "disk1\ezboot\"  folder maker sure you have
they should be there
3-use the following line as it is in your ezboot menu item command

bcdw /ezboot/isolinux.bin /paragon/vmlinuzp initrd=/paragon/initrd.gz splash=silent quiet root=/dev/ram0 eng_ver vga=0x314

in the previous line i used vmlinuzp as the kernel you will do so only if your version includes this file if it contains the other file "bzimage" you will use it instead and it will be

bcdw /ezboot/isolinux.bin /paragon/bzimage initrd=/paragon/initrd.gz splash=silent quiet root=/dev/ram0 eng_ver vga=0x314

one more potential kernel is vmlinuz  "without p"
it all depends on the file inside your paragon CD ISO
that's all I hope it works for you
the PDM deserves to be in our emergency disks

Posted by gold on Apr. 12 2007,05:37
Thanks for the details.

I will test and tell the result....

Posted by gold on Apr. 16 2007,06:36

(gold @ Apr. 12 2007,09:37)
Thanks for the details.

I will test and tell the result....

I am getting some errors. These are the messages I got when trying too boot Paragon Partition Manager

Uncompressing Linux.. Ok, booting the kernel
ACPI: Unable to locate RSDP (Error-1)

Ready.. You passed an undefined mode number. (Error-2)

This program cannot start due to incorrect Bios setting or lack of video memory on your computer.  Please inform our support team we can help you. If you are an experienced pc user, you can try yourself to increase, for example the <Frame Buffer Size> setting in the <Video Configuration> part of your Bios, it may help. (Error-3)

Not an experienced user so searched google and got Error-2 solved.

bcdw /ezboot/isolinux.bin /paragon/vmlinuzp initrd=/paragon/initrd.gz splash=silent quiet root=/dev/ram0 eng_ver vga=0x314

Changed vga=0x314 to vga=normal

I think vga=normal is booting into 800 x 600 resolution.

One error went away and Error-3 comes a lot of times and nothing happens after that. I didn’t find any Video Configuration setting in my bios. My pc is P-III 500, an old one.

Please give me any solution for this.


Posted by Darkane666 on Apr. 25 2007,03:06
sorry i've been away
PIII 500 that's really old it is easy to see why it complains from video memory being low and ACPI being unavailable
its a newer power management technology
for error -1 concerning ACPI try those topics
and look for the line that looks like our line remember the vmlinuzp long line? you will see they added parts like
look for them and try using them
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for the video memory problem "error 03"
I will assume you have a built in graphics card which uses some of your main system memory like 8MB out of 32MB for example
we will try to increase them
look in your BIOS settings for something like
VGA memory ,
Video RAM
shared Video RAM
reserved memory
and there you can increase it in values of like 8,16,32 and so on but ofcourse don't use all the system memory the PC will not boot
the other possibility is that your graphics card is standalone and it has its own phyical memory which is still not sufficient to run paragon , and in this case as far as I know there is nothing you can do except upgrading your PC
maybe the tech support at paragon will know better
good luck

Posted by gold on Jun. 05 2007,11:32
Sorry friend, I was busy with work. I will try that and tell you the result. You had given a detailed reply.

Thanks for the details...