Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Boot Commands
started by: wolfo

Posted by wolfo on Jul. 03 2007,23:33
I have been playing with EasyBoot for a while and would like to know if there is a way to boot into different drives.  I know that "boot 80" boots into the Primary Master.  What are the boot commands for the Primary Slave, Secondary Master, and Secondary Slave???  If there are any  :D
Posted by xoben on Jul. 04 2007,02:08
boot 81 for the second disk drive ...
Posted by wolfo on Jul. 04 2007,22:27
boot 80 is the Primary Master
boot 81 is the Primary Slave

What about the Secondary IDE Cable??  Are there boot commands for those two???

Thanks!!     ???

Posted by xoben on Jul. 07 2007,10:03
The number (80, 81, 82, etc) is assigned by BIOS, please try to determine that by yourself.