Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Boot Disk Failure started by: redfromv Posted by redfromv on Oct. 30 2007,21:42
Hi, i'm using EasyBoot ver i've created a Bootable CD running in a SATA DVD ROM. a few question i need to have answers. 1) does this version supports SATA DVD ROM? 2) what is the possibility that can cause error message "Boot Disk Failure" displayed after the menu? if u need any info before answering my question, please let me know. btw, im using this easyboot to create bootable CD / DVD for harddisk image cloning with Ghost thanx in advance.. Posted by billonious on Oct. 31 2007,10:36
as far as i know, easyboot run directly at bios with low level use. No addon drivers can be supported. It means that easyboot runs from devices that your bios can boot from. It is not easyboot's limitation. Can you boot other dvds/cds (aka knoppix, xplive, windows xp cd) from your sata dvdrom? Do you have any ide dvdrom to check whether easyboot boots from it or not? Posted by redfromv on Oct. 31 2007,20:42
I cannot try with IDE DVD ROM because im using Dell Vostro and it doesn't support IDE anymore... anyway, i just found a way to boot with the SATA DVD ROM using EasyBoot... thanx for your reply anyway... |