Forum: EasyBoot Topic: DFT 4.11 started by: Silencer Posted by Silencer on Nov. 17 2007,22:34
For whatever reason I am getting a Not Ready Reading Drive A warning when building with Drive Fitness Test 4.11. Hitting "F" for fail, gets me past this issue, but it still sucks.I've never had this problem with DFT before, and I've been using Easy Boot with DFT for several years. Obviously something changed. Loading as a .bif, as I always have. Work-around, suggestions, comments, etc, yadda yadda yadda. Posted by xoben on Nov. 18 2007,03:41
EasyBoot worked this way:1) Open dft32_v411_b00.iso with UltraISO 2) Choose 'Bootable'->'Save Boot File' to get dft411.bif, put it into "c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot" 3) Choose 'Actions'->'Extract' to put all files and folders into "c:\easyboot\disk1" 4) Start EasyBoot, use 'bcdw /ezboot/dft411.bif' as command to load it Posted by Silencer on Nov. 18 2007,11:21
Thank You.... This method resolves the problem. |