Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Multiple floppy images
started by: RichardGatinho

Posted by RichardGatinho on Jan. 20 2008,17:39
I'm creating a bootdisk CD.

But, here's the problem: Windows NT, Windows XP and Windows 2000 uses multiple boot floppies.

I tried to merge the images into an ISO and put bootloader as boot image, but the ISO won't boot (black screen with static [not blinking] DOS cursor).

Can I add the multiple boot floppy images to EasyBoot?
Note: I can't follow the steps located in help, because my CD reader is dirty  :angry:

Posted by xoben on Jan. 20 2008,20:46
Multiple boot floppies of Windows NT/2000/XP cannot be used directly with EasyBoot, please read related topics in help file of EasyBoot.