Forum: EasyBoot Topic: usb multiboot started by: fil Posted by fil on Nov. 09 2007,08:31
Hi friends,please explain how can i do a multiboot usb pendrive thanks for your help Fil Posted by billonious on Nov. 09 2007,15:10
1. build your easyboot project as usual but don't make the iso. 2. The bootsector (call it bootloader too) is the file loader.bin found in "c:\easyboot\disk1\ezboot". Keep it in your mind. 3. Set your bios to boot from usb external devices. Be sure that your bios supports booting from usb. 4. Be sure that all contents of your easyboot "c:\easyboot\disk1" fits in your flashpen. 5. Format flashpen under winxp in fat/fat16. 6. Inject the bootloader (=bootsector= loader.bin) in your flashpen to make it bootable by special methods described in this link < > It has many ways. For the first method, Bart's mkbt, by-pass the floppy making step because bootsector is already done (=loader.bin). So, CODE Copy the bootsector to the flash drive. Open a DOS Window and go to the folder where you extracted MKBT. Type: mkbt -x bootsect.bin Z: "Z" represents the flash drive drive Letter. So if your flash drive has another drive letter, then change the "Z" accordingly. Now you can [grin] "should" be able to copy the utils you need to the pen drive. - download the mkbt tool from < bart's mkbt > Posted by fil on Nov. 09 2007,16:30
Hi billoniousfirst soory about my english, i´m portuguese in the step 6, it return the follow error: see the file attached thanks for your help Posted by billonious on Nov. 09 2007,18:14
sorry, I don't know about the error. Mkbt worked for me.It says "FileSys="ess any" ...... what is wrong with file system? Fat or fat16 should work. Is mkbt and loader.bin in the flashpen? Try the second way with Hewlett Packard utility. I read that it works. Posted by fil on Nov. 10 2007,14:36
hi again,this is the files that i have in my flashpen please tell me if something is wrong Posted by billonious on Nov. 11 2007,04:59
some weeks ago, i had made it in a friend's 256 mb flashpen. Yesterday, i tried to make it in my own 2gb flashpen and i have the same errors with you. Maybe, flashpen need to be FEDITed and set an active partition... I tell you when i 'll have news.
Posted by billonious on Nov. 11 2007,05:36
Until I find why Bart's mkbt makes errors, try sth else that I just though.-Open Winimage. - Go to menu options > winimage mode selection, where chose professional mode. It says that winimage gets in trial mode, ignore it. - Go to menu disk > use removeable disk H: , or whatever letter suits for your flashpen. *Be careful not selecting hard disks C:, D: .... - Go to menu Master boot record code properties . Select the physical drive that appears usb2. Click import and select the loader.bin from ezboot folder. *be careful in this window, don't check "include non removable harddisks " or you may harm your hard disk' mbr and cant boot your pc. - Choose "YES" in the question : "Do you want to rewrite the MBR of disk memory USB2?" - If winimage ask you to format the flashpen saying that flashpen's format is not compatible, let winimage format the flashkey. - Just to test if this method works, copy the ezboot folder only in flashpen and reboot your pc. If it works, easyboot screen should appear. Let me know what is done. Posted by fil on Nov. 11 2007,10:51
no resulti have a black display Posted by fil on Nov. 13 2007,06:55
Hi BilloniousAny new about this i don´t find the solution in the net thanks for your help Posted by billonious on Nov. 13 2007,14:06
not yet . I can't find why mkbt worked in a small 256mb flashpen with BartPE but can't do the job in the bigger 2gb flashkey. Maybe the different manufacture technologies are to blame. Booting flashpens is a new stuff and there is no experience for it. I still try to find solution.
Posted by rainey on Nov. 26 2007,23:47
GuyFormat the drive then run the MKBT file to copy/make the bootsect.bin file on the USB drive. This should be the first file created on the USB drive. The USB drive must be formated as a primary bootable partition. Then you can copy your files to this USB after you run and create the bootsect.bin file. I see above that you had all those files on you USB drive and you all ready had a bootsect.bin file on there so mkbt cant make it if it is already there. Also remember that a FAT partition has a size limit. as dose FAT16, only FAT32 and win95 can support 2gig or higher. DOS dont like 2Gig make a smaller partition. Posted by fil on Nov. 28 2007,08:35
Any solution?
Posted by fil on Nov. 29 2007,03:56
Hi Friends,I have news. I extracted the boot from cd and i put this on the USB flash with program fhasboot. The usb flash start normaly with syslinux but when he fond the loader he gives a message "kermel image not found" any solution? with this program i made without any problem a usb boot with hyren´s bootcd complete thanks FIL Posted by fil on Nov. 29 2007,04:08
Hi Rainey,some questions: - the software that i need to format as a primary bootable partition. - the software that i need to use to make a smaller partition sorry my english but i´m portuguese many thanks for your help Fil Posted by fil on Nov. 30 2007,07:18
hi friends the problen is on the loader.bin we need a loader for usb flash any solution? thanks Fil Posted by fil on Nov. 30 2007,13:43
how to create a CDFS partition to put in the loader.bin?any sugestion thanks fil Posted by mamema on Jan. 22 2008,11:05
any progress here?I'm able to boot a bartpe from a usb stick, but none of the tips and tricks from this thread has helped with booting easyboot projects from usb stick best regards mamema Posted by billonious on Jan. 22 2008,13:03
I think only xoben is technically skilled to make easyboot boot from usb sticks as he is the author of this application. It may be the right time to do it as far as it is a popular demand. :-)
Posted by Rogerf on Jan. 23 2008,17:53
I would be very interested in seeing a solution to this. I too have been able to get my Sandisk Cruzer 2gb sticks to boot to BartPE using grub but can't seem to make EZBoot work. GRUB for DOS does not like loader.bin for some reason, the makeboot from Bart doesn't work on my drive. Winimage doesn't inject it right for some reason. GRUB is the only way I've been able to get anything to boot from it.
Posted by mamema on Jan. 24 2008,09:19
i've read the whole internet about the USB boot issue ![]() The problem is that the CDFS filesystem boots in an other way than a HDD does. The BARTPE start files are located on the root of the filesystem. The Easyboot startfiles are located in a folder. It's just normal that the boot and Rescue issues evolves to other and faster boot devices like USB I'm waiting eager for news about usb and easyboot.... |