Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Help
started by: bbrat55

Posted by bbrat55 on Apr. 13 2008,00:32

Im new to this, so bear with me.

I have tried about 20 different burns on a boot disk for XP pro. I read all of the help files and still no bootable disk.. the help flies are kinda vague... please help me make a boot cd forn xp pro... send any doc's, info or links to or IM me brian_bratcher2000 on yahoo. Thanks so much in advance


Posted by bbrat55 on Apr. 13 2008,05:12
:(  well I tried all. I giveup.... no response to help issues and the program is still not working. From my aspect, I will not pay for something that will not work. After 4 days of trying to get it to work.. night and day (research is included). I will move on..
Any sugestions as to a program that will work would be greatly apprecreiated. ttyl  all..
good luck with this program.

Posted by bbrat55 on Apr. 15 2008,06:18
Hi all...
I found that I was using CDR-RW disks with no results. I did full erase and quick erase on these disk without any results. Just by chance I thought "Aw what the hell, I'll use a regular CDR and waste it". Poof it worked... so sorry about the comments I made in previous posts. You people might keep this in mind for future reference.

Also the cd-rw disks I was using was made by FUJIFILM 4X multispeed, bought at a local CVS store. Can someone recomend a cd-rw that is high quality?

Thanks in advance

Posted by xoben on Apr. 18 2008,01:02
Thank you bbrat55 for sharing your experience.