Forum: EasyBoot
Topic: Windows + GeexBox in one DVD
started by: joco1114

Posted by joco1114 on Apr. 04 2007,14:13
Please help!
I tried to search all over the net, but I cant find any useful help, maybe here!
So, I would like to use GeexBox and Windows Installer (not recovery console, nor PE versions) if it is possible. If I "compile" the folders with cdimage, the Window will work, but the GeexBox will shut down during boot. I have tried to use mkisofs, but no success. :( If I used the rock ridge switch, the geexBox worked, but the Windows freeze before the first text screen (Press any key to boot from CD...). Without -r option the Windows worked correctly, but not GeexBox.

Is there any idea to solve my problem? Please help!

(...and sorry about my terrible english...  :;): )


Posted by joco1114 on Apr. 06 2007,09:52
Has anybody ever tried to compile Windows and Linux install on 1 DVD?


Posted by tangfu on May 21 2008,09:23
why do you try the grub4dos?it is very useful.