Forum: EasyBoot Topic: Como crear un dvd con xp y vista? started by: superbry Posted by superbry on Aug. 19 2008,20:47
Hola, quisiera saber como crear un menú que tenga las opciones de instalar XP SP2 y Vista SP1 y que sea booteable, todo eso usando el easyboot.Por favor les agradecere mucho si me dicen como puedo hacerlo. A continuación version traducida de español a ingles usando Google Traductor: / He then translated version of Spanish to English using Google Translator: Hello, I would like to know how to create a menu that has options to install XP SP2 and Vista SP1 and that is booteable, all that using easyboot. Please agradecere them as much if I say I do. Posted by xoben on Aug. 21 2008,19:52
Please read help file comes with EasyBoot for how to add windows XP to a bootable CD/DVD, and a related topic at <;f=1;t=2340 > may be helpful for adding windows Vista.