Post Number: 1

Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: Jun. 2004
Posted on: Jun. 09 2004,17:43 |
Necessary Downloads
Windows XP You will need to download most or all of these to complete the manual. Root Fix XPHome XPPro
UltraEdit - HexEditor demo WinImage - Floppy Image software trial
Windows 2000 You will need to download most or all of these to complete the manual. NEW!!!! -- Barts all windows 2000 boot. Download here. The text file lists any changes to this manual if using this loader. Root Fix ASRV Boot fix WPRO Boot fix WSRV Boot fix
UltraEdit - HexEditor demo WinImage - Floppy Image software trial
Copying the Windows XP and Windows 2000 CD's to your hard drive. Make sure that while copying all the files from your CD that you have changed your settings so you can see all hidden and system files!
Make a folder on your hard drive called ROOT.
Now in the ROOT folder make another folder called UENGLISH
Yet again in the UENGLISH folder make 2 folders Name them WNXP AND WN2K Simply copy the whole CD now to the matching folders.
Extracting the Boot Images to the correct folders. Windows XP Well, actually we are copying the floppy images the CD uses and you would normally have to make.
So return to the ROOT folder and make 2 folders. Call them WNXP and WN2K again.
Now copy all 6 floppies to the respective folders. If you don't have the floppies you will have to download them from the Microsoft website. XP HOME XP PRO XP HOME SP1 XP PRO SP1 Windows 2000 Well, actually we are extracting the floppy images the CD uses and you would normally have to make.
So return to the ROOT folder and make 3 more folders. Call them ASRV, WPRO and WSRV You should now have
Now you will need to extract the 4 boot images for each version into the respective folder under ROOT. The program that I recommend is WinImage . Once Winimage is installed just double-click the boot images to open them. They are located at UENGLISH\%OS%\BOOTDISK
Make absolutely sure that you extract all files and check the box to 'Extract with pathname'
Make absolutely sure that when you copy all the files you keep the directory structure
Then you will now need to copy the file BOOTFIX.BIN from each of the I386 folders to the respective folders under ROOT: %Drive%:\ROOT\UENGLISH\WNXP\I386 %Drive%:\ROOT\UENGLISH\WN2K\I386
From there copy BOOTFIX.BIN respectively to:
%Drive%:\ROOT\WNXP %Drive%:\ROOT\WN2K Now you will need to download the following zips and extract them into the correct boot folders. You must put them in the right folder, otherwise you will receive several errors. What exactly are the edits, well they are:
SETUPLDR.BIN--has 4 references to the directory 'i386' from the original CD for all versions. You will need to make the correct reference to the folder which contains the extracted boot floppy files directory. IE: Root\XPHM or \XPPR is where the extracted boot floppy files are contained in a multi version OS disk, the original image references the path as \i386. This edited path would now be \XPHM or \XPPR.
BIG WHOPPING NOTE: Do not edit this file unless you are using a hexeditor or the file will register as corrupt!!! UltraEdit has been recommended for beginners. It also has a trial version available for download.
TXTSETUP.SIF--the line SetupSourcePath = has been changed to point to correct location of the 'i386' folder. IE: "\UENGLISH\WNXP\" and "\UENGLISH\WN2K\" . You also need to search for txtsetup.si_ and delete it. Otherwise you will get several errors as XP will try and install with the compressed version first.
You can edit txtsetup.sif with notepad
If you don't want to edit the files yourself feel free to download the modified versions here:
STOP! The following edits where made to a standard XP install. If you are using a slipstreamed SP1 make sure you do not use the txtsetup.sif file. You will need to edit the file manually. WNXP Windows XP Professional
WN2K Windows 2000Professional Edition
Oh, one more thing. You should now search the two I386 folders for •  txtsetup.in_ •  setupp.in_ •  setupldr.bi_ If you find any of these move them to another folder outside of the ROOT. Windows will use them first before our modified ones but just in case you need the original I would not delete them until your CD is working. Make sure you check. Of course if you don't find any of them, don't worry they are not always there. Only some CD's are shipped with them.
Setting up the ROOT folder for boot access Windows XP Now copy the following files up to \ROOT win51 -all XP CD's win51ic - XP Home CD win51ip - XP Pro CD
Then, download or edit the necessary DAT files: All of the files need to be edited with a hexeditor, don't use notepad! Root Fix contains the dat files.
XPHMSECT.DAT : This dat file contains a pointer to the directory for the floppies. At the end you will find SETUPLDR.BINBOOTFIX.BINXXX. Change the XXXX to a four letter folder name where you put the floppies.
XPPRSECT.DAT : This dat file contains a pointer to the directory for the floppies. At the end you will find SETUPLDR.BINBOOTFIX.BINXXX. Change the XXXX to a four letter folder name where you put the floppies.
Then add DISKEMU.CMD (edit with notepad), DISKEM1X.BIN, BOOTCAT.BIN and LOADER.BIN (don't edit any of these). These come from Bart's Website (www.nu2.nu) Place each of these files in the :\Root folder. If you have not visited Bart's site by now you should. I really, really recommend that you do. Everything makes a lot more sense and he also provides considerable more information.
The file diskemu.bin was originally developed by Gary Tong. From May 5, 2001 the development is done by Bart Lagerweij. I am assuming that loader.bin, diskem1x.bin and diskemu.cmd are part of the continuing effort put into that project. (Big round of applause, followed by standing ovation)
Windows 2000 Now copy the following files up to \ROOT
Make sure to leave a copy of the files in each \UENGLISH\%OS%\ folder. The install will keep asking for the CD path over and over if you don't. Then, download or edit the following files:
All of these files need to be edited with a hexeditor, don't use notepad!
ASRVSECT.DAT : This dat file contains a pointer to the directory for the floppies. At the end you will find SETUPLDR.BINBOOTFIX.BINXXX. Change the XXXX to a four letter folder name where you put the floppies.
WPROSECT.DAT : This dat file contains a pointer to the directory for the floppies. At the end you will find SETUPLDR.BINBOOTFIX.BINXXX. Change the XXXX to a four letter folder name where you put the floppies.
WSRVSECT.DAT : This dat file contains a pointer to the directory for the floppies. At the end you will find SETUPLDR.BINBOOTFIX.BINXXX. Change the XXXX to a four letter folder name where you put the floppies.
Then add DISKEM1X.BIN, BOOTCAT.BIN and LOADER.BIN (don't edit any of these). These come from Bart's Website (www.nu2.nu) Place each of these files in the :\Root folder.
Then add DISKEMU.CMD (edit with notepad), DISKEM1X.BIN, BOOTCAT.BIN and LOADER.BIN (don't edit any of these). These come from Bart's Website (www.nu2.nu) Place each of these files in the :\Root folder. If you have not visited Bart's site by now you should. I really, really recommend that you do. Everything makes a lot more sense and he also provides considerable more information.
The file diskemu.bin was originally developed by Gary Tong. From May 5, 2001 the development is done by Bart Lagerweij. I am assuming that loader.bin, diskem1x.bin and diskemu.cmd are part of the continuing effort put into that project. (Big round of applause, followed by standing ovation) Creating the ISO file Copy the ezboot folder from the disk1 folder in the easyboot installation directory to the Root folder. Then add the files  DISKEM1X.BIN  LOADER.BIN WPROSECT.DAT XPPROSECT.DAT
To the root\ezboot folder. Now Save the menu file in root\ezboot folder. In the menu tab give “run XPPRSECT.DAT” for win xp and “run WPROSECT.DAT” for windows 2000. Now set the boot image as root\loader.bin and the cd file directory to root. Now Create the iso.
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