Post Number: 1

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Posted on: Aug. 23 2005,10:53 |
hi: how to put two knoppix alike in one cd if the two has folder called isolinux? Thanks
Post Number: 2

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Posted on: Aug. 25 2005,16:21 |
I found a way using cdshell and EasyBoot. It involves hexing some files as usual. The Method I will write soon...
There is hope.
Post Number: 3
Posted on: Aug. 26 2005,02:33 |
Thanks, and i'll wait your suggestion
Post Number: 4

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Posted on: Aug. 26 2005,16:00 |
I was able to put multiple Knoppix based Linux distributions on one CD using: EasyBoot Ultraiso CDshell a Hex editor Winimage and cdimage.exe.
Make a menu using EasyBoot as usual. one option for KNOPPIX 3.9 with this in the Command section "run knoppix.bin" another option for DAMM SMALL LINUX with this in the Command section "run dslinux.bin" for example
Create the Project Structure like this:
C:\disk1 -disk1 (project root) |-ezboot |-knoppix.bin (2k in size) KNOPPIX loader, loader.bin renamed taken from the cdshell download. |-dslinux.bin (2k in size) DAMM SMALL LINUX loader, loader.bin renamed taken from the cdshell download. |-(the other ezboot files) |-knp1 |-modules (folder and all its contents, also include this file, BCDW.CSM) |-cdsh.bin (taken from the cdshell download.) |-cdshell.ini (taken from the cdshell download, details below.) |-knoppix.ima (the Knoppix boot image, details below) |-dsl1 |-modules (folder and all its contents also include this file, BCDW.CSM) |-cdsh.bin (taken from the cdshell download.) |-cdshell.ini (taken from the cdshell download, details below.) |-dslinux.ima (the DAMM Small Linux boot image, details below) |-DSLINUX (full extract of the KNOPPIX folder from original iso and renamed) |-KNPX (full extract of the KNOPPIX folder from original iso and renamed)
Here are some details about the files that need to be modified.
The Loaders: The loaders need to be Hex Edited. (Note: To Hex Edit files you may use EasyBoot>Tools>Replace Text…) The knoppix.bin (2k in size), replace the text boot with knp1 The dslinux.bin (2k in size), replace the text boot with dsl1
cdshell.ini: The contents of the "cdshell.ini" inside the "knp1" folder is this:
Code Sample | bcdw boot \knp1\knoppix.ima
Get this empty image file
The contents of the "cdshell.ini" inside the "dsl1" folder is this:
Code Sample | bcdw boot \dsl1\dslinux.ima
Get this empty image file Here knoppix.rar
The image files Now these image files need to be filled (using Winimage) with the files inside the "isolinux" folder of the Knoppix based Linux, except: isolinux.bin
The syslinux.cfg file: The file "isolinux.cfg" needs to be renamed to "syslinux.cfg", it also needs to be text edited to include this code: knoppix_dir=KNPX in the KNOPPIX Linux "syslinux.cfg" knoppix_dir=DSLINUX in the DAMM SMALL LINUX "syslinux.cfg" at the end of each label in the "syslinux.cfg" file for each Linux.
for example in the KNOPPIX Linux "syslinux.cfg": LABEL knoppix KERNEL linux APPEND ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 initrd=minirt.gz nomce quiet BOOT_IMAGE=knoppix knoppix_dir=KNPX
After editing the file inject it into the boot image of the Linux it belongs to.
Build your iso with cdimage.exe with this batch code:
Code Sample | cdimage.exe -lMulti-Linux -bC:\disk1\ezboot\loader.bin -J1 -h -o -m C:\disk1 C:\Multi-Linux.iso
Let us know how it went.
Edited by shakko on Jan. 05 2006,14:17
Post Number: 5
Posted on: Aug. 29 2005,09:42 |
Thanks a lot , I'll try to make this procedure this night and tell u. thaks again for your corporation
Post Number: 6

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Posted on: Aug. 30 2005,13:27 |
shakko, What would be the procedure to put only DSL (#### Small Linux) and no other knoppix? Ive built a cd with minipe, bart, and now want to add DSL.
Post Number: 7

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Posted on: Aug. 30 2005,14:45 |
Make a menu using EasyBoot as usual. one option for DAMM SMALL LINUX with this in the Command section "run dslinux.bin"
Create the Project Structure like this:
C:\disk1 -disk1 (project root) |-ezboot |-dslinux.bin (2k in size) DAMM SMALL LINUX loader, loader.bin renamed taken from the cdshell download. |-(the other ezboot files) |-boot |-modules (folder and all its contents, also include this file, BCDW.CSM) (taken from the cdshell download.) |-cdsh.bin (taken from the cdshell download.) |-cdshell.ini (taken from the cdshell download, details below.) |-dslinux.ima (the DAMM Small Linux boot image, details below) |-KNOPPIX (full extract of the KNOPPIX folder from original iso) |-(your other files and folders)
The Loader: The dslinux.bin (2k in size) loader.bin renamed taken from the cdshell download.
cdshell.ini: The contents of the "cdshell.ini" inside the "boot" folder is this:
Code Sample | bcdw boot \boot\dslinux.ima
Get this empty image file Here knoppix.rar Extract the image from the archive and rename it to dslinux.ima
The image file dslinux.ima Now this image file needs to be filled (using Winimage) with the files inside the "isolinux" folder of the DAMM SMALL LINUX iso, except: isolinux.bin
The syslinux.cfg file: The file "isolinux.cfg" needs to be renamed to "syslinux.cfg", inject it into the boot image dslinux.ima or just rename it inside Winimage.
Build your iso with cdimage.exe with this batch code:
Code Sample | cdimage.exe -lMulti-Boot -bC:\disk1\ezboot\loader.bin -J1 -h -o -m C:\disk1 C:\Multi-Boot.iso
This works for me so I keep using it.
Let us know how it went.
(My original post slightly modified for your case)
Edited by shakko on Aug. 30 2005,14:49
Post Number: 8

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Posted on: Aug. 30 2005,14:55 |
Thank you! Ill try it later and let you know.
thanks again
Post Number: 9

Group: Members
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Posted on: Aug. 30 2005,18:28 |
Im home now and tried per your instructions. It goes to cdshell 2.1 and says "Boot failed: please change disks and press a key to continue." in Virtual PC.
Im using DSL 1.4 if that make any difference.
help please.
Edited by breezy on Aug. 30 2005,21:10
Post Number: 10

Group: Members
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Posted on: Aug. 31 2005,10:29 |
breeze, Did u take the file isolinux.bin out of the dslinux.ima? And did u include the file BCDW.CSM inside the \boot\modules\ folder? Also check the text in the file cdshell.ini make sure it is as I said above.
That has to be done for this method to work.
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