Post Number: 1

Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: Nov. 2004
Posted on: Nov. 18 2004,09:13 |
Hi everybody
I try to use Easyboot, to create a multiboot cd with BartPe Drive Image 7 and some floppy images
I don't know how to create 2 different boot system like BartPe & Drive Image (both have i386 folder, must i merge all together )
Can someone help me please ? Thanks
Edited by sharukan on Nov. 18 2004,09:14
Post Number: 2
Posted on: Nov. 20 2004,13:03 |
Hi sharukan
Do it this way:
First You need some kind of Hex Editor, download from here: http://www.winhex.com/winhex/index-m.html or http://www.bpsoft.com/downloads/download.jsp?dlfile=hw32v31.exe
Rename BartPe-folder from i386 to Bart – move folder “Bart” to EasyBoot/disk1. Now open “Bart”-folder, locate and open setupldr.bin with Hex Editor-program. Replace in the file setupldr.bin all occurrences of I386 with BART (attention: capital letters and NOW SPACES. Only change I386 to BART). This should be done in four places in setupldr.bin. Overwrite existing setupldr.bin in Bart-folder with this edited file.
Second part: in EasyBoot/disk1/ezboot open w2ksect.bin with Hex Edit-program (w2ksect.bin comes with EasyBoot). Scroll down until you find SETULDR.BINBOOTFIX.BINI386 All we are concerned with is those last four letters/numbers “I386”. Only replace I386 with BART (attention: capital letters and NOW SPACES whatever!). You only need to do this in one place. Save this modified bootloader with the name bart.bin in EasyBoot/disk1/ezboot. Use bart.bin in EasyBoot as usual (run bart.bin) to start BartPe.
In this way you may use original i386 folder holding WinXP together with a separate folder named Bart (originally i386).
Post Number: 3
Posted on: Nov. 21 2004,03:37 |
Forgot to mention that you have to save all stuff according to BartPe, meaning: files like bootfont.bin, win51ip and win51IP.sp2
But I suppose you already acknowledge about this stuff?
Post Number: 4

Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: Nov. 2004
Posted on: Nov. 21 2004,07:33 |
Thanks for this greatful tutoriel, and taking time for explaining me how to create this
All things works thanks !!!
ps: no need of a hex editor. you have a good tool include in easyboot (Tool-> Replace)
Post Number: 5
Posted on: Nov. 21 2004,08:03 |
Thanks for good advice according to change text inside bin-files. Seems (he, he, he) that I have been walking across the river to find water?
Regards eureka
Post Number: 6
Posted on: Dec. 31 2004,09:12 |
But how can put 2 Bart boot system in one CD only. They have the same folder strucutures and file names in root.
Post Number: 7
Posted on: Dec. 31 2004,13:04 |
Hi Binh!
You mean using two different BartPe-”Pre-installations”? Don’t see what you may achieve with that?
However, as we already have one original i386-folder you may use that together with the edited type (BART in my example) – or do as I tell you down here.
It’s the same procedure as I earlier have showed in this topic. Just rename folder i386 in pebldr to something different than BART – name it something like XPPE But always remember, maximum 4 letters/numbers. Use the same procedure - changing path in setupldr.bin and bootldr.bin to XPPE, instead of BART - that I have showed in this topic (don’t forget to use capital letters when editing bin-files). And of course, you have to save the boot-file with a different name. Something like xppe.bin (used in EasyBoot as usually: run xppe.bin).
Post Number: 8
Posted on: Dec. 31 2004,20:35 |
Thanks Eureka for your prompt reply.
Actually, I got UBCD4Win and MiniPE (from here: http://home.earthlink.net/~1.4142....E.htm), and I dont know to how mix them up and put on the same CD using EasyBoot. I still confused with your instructions as they both have identiacal folders and root file names. You just instructed to change the I386 of one of them, what about other folder such as Programs and other identical files in root?? Is there anyway to mix them up in one boot system, as they actually are the same? Sorry for asking, as I am not an IT person. Could you give me more detailed instructions? Thanks.
Post Number: 9
Posted on: Jan. 01 2005,09:33 |
Hi Binh!
It works perfectly to combine BartPe and “ubcd”. I have tested it fore a couple of minutes ago – works like a dream. The ISO-file ended up with the size off 535 Mb - still (he, he, he) some space to fill up with more utilities :-) Note: I use xpe-plugin from Sherpya in BartPe.
In fact, it’s possible to use the same folder “Programs” in root, combining BartPe and ubcd. But in some cases you have to rename some of the plugin-folders (and also if this is the case, rewrite “inf file” and/or “xml file” in those plugin-folders).
As an example: If you want to use “Ghost32 v8” in both BartPe and ubcd, well in this case, use two different names on plugin-folder according to Ghost. Like this; “ghost” in BartPe-plugin and maybe the different “ghost8” in ubcd-plugin. Make sure to put both different ghost-folders in EasyBoot\disk1\programs when finishing up.
With this method both BartPe and ubcd may reach ghost (but from different folders inside programs). Sometimes it’s possible (if you are luckily), to use the same plugin-folder.
As you (Binh) just pointed out, at least one of the i386-folder must be renamed and the same goes with setupldr.bin that resides in this renamed i386-folder, it must be edited - same procedure with boot file that points to this renamed folder, it must be edited to the different name of i386-folder (bart, ubcd or whatever the new name is). Please use my tutoriel above in this topic how to achieve this.
Files like Win51, Win51ip, Win51ip.sp2 (or Win51ip.sp1), bootsect.bin, bootfont.bin, winboom.ini and further on, well it’s the same fore both BartPe and ubcd, no problems with those files.
It just needs some workaround and you will have your “superCD”.
Well, hope my English was readable…
Post Number: 10
Posted on: Jan. 02 2005,19:42 |
I did follow your instructions but still failed (sorry). What I did was: changed the names all the idential plugins in UBCD4Win (and their .inf and .xml files accordingly - changed all the incidences refering to the new folders) and then created the ISO from scratch, copied everything from UBCD4Win and MiniPE into Disk1 folder, changed the I386 of MiniPE into Bart, opened SETUPLDR.BIN (within that changed I386 folder)and bootsect.bin in root of MiniPE and replaced all I386 with BART, then save the boot file of UBCD4Win as bart.bin and of MiniPE as minpe.bin. Then from EasyBoot I created the ISO and burn to CD. When boot from either system, however, they mixed up all together with the background of UBCD4Win and the start button of MiniPE and all the programs in the start menu are of MiniPE, and most of the programs could not run (although they are there in the menu). What did i do wrong?? One thing I was confused is with the autorun.inf files in the root of both UBCD4Win and MiniPE, as each has one. So I did mix them up (putting the command line from one into the other and save as one autorun.inf). I think I did it wrong and that why they mixed up when boot?? How should I do with them?? Also, could you give me detailed instructions on how to change the 2 important plugins: GeoShell and Nu2Menu in UBCD4Win. They both present in the 2 systems and I know that they are important, and in GeoShell plugin's .inf there are so many places to change and I just did it as I thought without knowing for sure if it was correct. Again, thanks alot for your kind instructions and please be patient with me.
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