Post Number: 1

Group: Members
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Posted on: Aug. 16 2004,17:12 |
Hello all , just found out about easyboot , and i was wondering if there is a guide on how to make a dvd that can boot and holds a norton ghost image , which then can replace a messed up partition .
another thing , in what way is the trial version of easyboot limited ?
tia all
Post Number: 2

Group: Members
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Posted on: Aug. 16 2004,17:14 |
As far as I know you are restricted to the menu options already implemented. This meaning that you can change everything you want but you cannot add extra options.
Correct me if I;m wrong
Post Number: 3
Posted on: Aug. 17 2004,08:47 |
Loading ghost-image using Easyboot.
Please note that this is a generally example how to create a DOS-environment using Easyboot together with Ghost. No guaranties that this will work (haven’t test it myself). It’s good if you are familiar with DOS-environments, and watch out for troubles according to the differences between NTFS and FAT32-filessystems. ----------------------------------------------- Create your ghost-image (in this example named “mysystem.gho”). Put ghost-image (“mysystem.gho”) in appropriate folder (easyboot\disk1). Create a folder named ghost in easyboot\disk1 and put ghost.exe in this folder. NOTE!!! You cannot use Ghost32, only Ghost.exe intended to be used in DOS-environments. Ghost v.8 works fine and supports NTFS. Use WinXP (or WinMe, Win98) to create a bootable floppy, or download from Internet.
In fact, you only need following DOS-files: Autoexec.bat Config.sys VIDE-CDD.SYS (or similar) MSCDEX (or similar) Io.sys (probably hidden) created automatically, look above: “create a bootable floppy”. command.com created automatically, look above: “create a bootable floppy”. mode.com created automatically, look above: “create a bootable floppy”. Note: no country codes are necessary. ------------------------------------------------- And now to automatically clone and rebooting using Ghost with Easyboot. (Note: leave out the switch “–sure” if you want to being prompted to continue cloning). Autoexec.bat should look like this:
@echo off MSCDEX /D:MSCD001 /L:X PATH=a:\;a:\dos;x:\ghost ghost.exe -clone,mode=load,src=X:\mysystem.gho,dst=1:1 -fx -sure –rb -------------------------------------------------- Config.sys should look like this:
DEVICE=VIDE-CDD.SYS /D:MSCD001 -------------------------------------------------- Create the bootable image using this floppy. Use this image in Easyboot.
As you can figure out above, the CD/DVD-reader unit is “renamed” with a DOS-command to letter X. That means you have to start from unit one of CD/DVD-readers, not the second unit (in case there are several CD/DVD units). Note: In this example VIDE-CDD.SYS is used to support CD/DVD-reader in DOS, and of course MSCDEX . You may need/use (or own) another SYS-file supporting your CD/DVD-reader, but you always need MSCDEX (or similar) in autoexec.bat to support CD/DVD-reader in DOS.
He, he… no guaranties. Please test using a DVD-RW in case you fail to create this “universal” DVD-record.
Hope I haven’t mess up my English too much? Have a nice day...
Post Number: 4

Group: Members
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Posted on: Aug. 17 2004,15:24 |
thanks so far eureka , i will test your suggestions and let u know what happens
Post Number: 5

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Posted on: Aug. 18 2004,09:54 |
There is also a sample floppy image here for reference: http://www.ezbsys.com/download/ghost.img .
Edited by xoben on Aug. 18 2004,09:55
Post Number: 6
Posted on: Aug. 18 2004,15:29 |
That would be nice...IF it wasn't in another language..
Post Number: 7
Posted on: Oct. 08 2004,11:12 |
I don't recommend the http://www.ezbsys.com/download/ghost.img. For starters it is in Japanese. Also I couldn't read the ghost file of the DVD! What a waste of a DVD
Post Number: 8
Posted on: Oct. 08 2004,11:39 |
Use my example (showed earlier here) on how to use Ghost in combination with EasyBoot .
Post Number: 9
Posted on: Oct. 21 2004,23:56 |
I understand the files needed to make a bootable CD or DVD but, what are the settings inside EasyBoot?
How do I point to the ghost.exe and my ghost image?
Do I create an .ini file with the locations?
Example: ghost.exe - clone,mode=pload,src=cdr0001\ghost\backup.gho:1
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Post Number: 10

Group: Members
Posts: 25
Joined: Mar. 2004
Posted on: Oct. 22 2004,01:08 |
I'm probably being way too simplistic here, so please forgive me if I'm way off base. Â I have an EasyBoot DVD with a Ghost submenu containing the ability to launch the Ghost v9 boot CD, four different Ghost 2002 image disks (one with CDROM support, and three with support for different NICs) and a Ghost 2003 image disk with a separate boot menu to choose between two different NICs for network driver letter mapping support. Â I have, in fact, been working on this for the past week or so.
As others have mentioned, your ghost image file should work inside the \Disk1 (default) directory. Â I'm not sure what version of Ghost you're using, but it sounds like you want to be able to simply run a Ghost executable. Â If I understand what you're proposing and I were trying to do the same thing with Ghost 2002 or Ghost 2003 I would create a Ghost floppy image with CDROM support, copy that into the \ezboot (default) directory and simply use the command 'run imagename.img' in EasyBoot.
I use Virtual FD by Kenji Kato to create and mount floppy drive images. Â I just disconnect my real floppy through the Windows device manager and create/mount a floppy image with VFD. Â I then format the floppy from within Windows. Â (You must do this before trying to create the bootable Ghost floppy from within Ghost. Â Even though Ghost formats the floppy, it doesn't work right if you don't fist format the floppy from the OS.) Â Run Ghost to create the Ghost bootable floppy with CDROM support, unmount the floppy image in VFD and the resulting file is what should be placed in the \ezboot (default) directory. Â Be sure to use Windows device manager to reactivate your real floopy drive afterwards... Â hehe
Hope this helps and I didn't miss the mark.
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