Post Number: 1

Group: Members
Posts: 3
Joined: Sep. 2004
Posted on: Sep. 24 2004,03:18 |
Hello!! I'm getting Can't find KNOPPIX filesystem, sorry dropping you to a very limited shell.
my run command is: bootinfotable;run knoppix.bif disk1/KNOPPIX disk1/ezboot disk1/boot disk1/Demos
What am I doing wrong?
Edited by noem on Sep. 24 2004,03:30
Post Number: 2
Posted on: Sep. 24 2004,17:38 |
Save your xxx.bif in \disk1\ezboot\ \disk1\ezboot\knoppix.bif
and Make ISO with option Joliet.
Post Number: 3

Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: Dec. 2004
Posted on: Dec. 27 2004,19:01 |
Same problem here. With Knoppix 3.7, I get the shell problem.
I wonder why there are no latest completely documented articles on common problem, like Linux (specially common distros like knoppix) multi boot dvds? Does this forum software not have the 'sticky' feature, so common solutions can be stuck to top of the list instead of spawning multiple thread on same issues?
I have already gone thru the Linux/Knoppix threads and it looks like the solution works for many but not for all? I have even seen .."Please use 'bootinfotable;run knoppix.bin' to run isolinux based systems." ( see http://forum.ezbsystems.net/cgi-bin....1;t=259 [, I wonder pasting this url as it will work as the one I found dont seem to?]) and in some places it if mentioned it is a .bif file! So which is the correct one, bif or bin?Also UltraISO creates a bif file (by default, and if there is an option to create a .bin file for knoppix, I cant find it).
Has the url format of the forum changed? For example, try this url ( http://www.ezbsys.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST;f=1;t=29 )pasted in " CD-R Home » Bootable CDs and DVDs » EasyBoot » bartpe, knoppix and damnsmalllinux " and see where it takes you!
Things like this are very confusing to newbie's like me. I think the official support on this forum is good, but not good enough and it is the primary factor stopping me from buying easyboot. and btw, try clicking the reference likes and they take you to main forum page instead ofthe topic!
Hopefully the Admins/Moderators will create a 'sticky' thread at top of easyboot forum for knoppix ( and other common issues) issues.
and before we forget, my problem of getting the shell on booting into knoppix on still remains!
Detailed help would be appreciated..
Post Number: 4
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