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Posted on: Jan. 14 2005,20:24 |
Thanks to easyboot, I can now add acronis cds to my boot cd without any fuss,, I used the method below, and it worked very well...
grab a Rewritable cd, "to save waste" next was to Start Acronis Media Builder, and build a bootable cd, instead of floopys.  then used ultraiso to extract the image from the bootable cd I created, Then simply add this image to  C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot and its size was 8.36mb, and use the run xxxx.bif command , And if the cd contains "BootCD" folder on root, then add it to the root of this cd.."disk1"....
it works like a dream, and I have the full kit, even the installer works for the os selector.. Â 
Terribly sorry!! I said Bif.. Not bik, Please accept my most humbles,
Edited by readme on Jan. 14 2005,20:46
Post Number: 2
Incroyable HULK 

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Posted on: Jan. 14 2005,20:35 |
Readme, correct the command line to run xxxx.bif not .bik
Also here is a reminder of my current method using Floppy Images:
1) Start Acronis Media Builder and insert your first empty floppy. Let the media builder finish the first diskette and copy the files from the floppy drive to a temporary folder named SOURCE. The thing you will notice is that Windows still have those files in memory so there is no actual reading of the floppy! Ultra reliable and fast! 2) Do the same for the rest of the floppy required for you Acronis product. 3) Use EasyBoot to create a floppy image of the FIRST diskette 4) Use EasyBoot to create a floppy image to the size required by the number of diskettes and use the floppy image you created at step 3 as the SEED image. 5) Open this new oversized floppy image (empty) with WinImage 6) use the INJECT option and add all the files from the SOURCE folder 7) save
that's it! No more tampering with diskettes.
So far I've created all the floppy image for Disk Director Suite 9 and True Image 8 Corporate Workstation (total 6 images) without a hitch!
P.S. I think this technique will also work with any utility which create boot diskettes like Hard Disk Drive Diagnostic, etc...
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Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Jan. 14 2005,20:50 |
Thats a very cool way, Incroyable HULK But it is a bit of a longer route, Still as long as we get there, whom cares :-)
Post Number: 4
Post Number: 5

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Posted on: Jan. 14 2005,21:07 |
Yes, I see that, very good point, My only problem at mo, is the fact that I dont have enough room in my menu, once I got to ten, I couldnt add anymore, I had hirens cd in one, Then xp then bla bla bla, when I got to ten that was it, I noticed you only get single menu keys and numbers up to ten, I presume we have a limit..or !!!! I only been working on easyboot for a few days, so I need to learn about adding more than ten items, or maybe the sub menu feature, could be the answer, therefore reducing any limits ? Could you bring me up to speed on that point plz "Incroyable HULK" thanks fot any Tips...
Post Number: 6
Incroyable HULK 

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Posted on: Jan. 14 2005,21:24 |
Well I suggest you start splitting your work on different pages.
From my point of view, you need at least 2 pages if you want to install any Windows operating systems
1) Boot pages where you have 3 options:  a) - Boot on the Hard Drive (with a timeout)  b) - Go to the Main Menu  c) - Reboot the Computer
2) Main Menu page with link to other pages and the possibility to return to the Boot page.
This way, when you are installing a Windows, you won't need to be there since it will continue on the Hard Drive after the timeout. Also, you won't get stressed with the timer every time you will return to the Main Menu page...
Here is a sample:
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Post Number: 7

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Posted on: Jan. 14 2005,21:37 |
That sounds just great, were would one go to learn this, or maybe you could example me on how to be creating such a page set using easyboot as I am missing it in the menu, :-) Or maybe a tutorial on this forum ....
Post Number: 8
Incroyable HULK 

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Posted on: Jan. 14 2005,21:47 |
Well, this was done with Photoshop. The whole page is a background in EasyBoot and I used the "Use Text Image" feature of easyboot for the OnMouseOver effect when I go over the icons...
BTW, you can use letter as well as number for your item shortcut... and if you want to go to an other page you'll use run xxx.ezb to chain
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Post Number: 9

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Posted on: Jan. 14 2005,21:57 |
Thankyou very much, I will have a go at that :-) Perhaps easyboot will introduce this feature in to the menu.. so you can browse from page to page in the build menu.. Anyway 3 am here uk, gota sleep, speak to you soon.