Bruce Lee 

Group: Members
Posts: 65
Joined: Dec. 2004
Posted on: Jun. 02 2005,12:38 |
Hi somebody,
I know that it's not a Post for this Forum, But I can't connect to "The Cd Forum" (Error DataBase). That is my problems :
1/ I use PEBuilder 3.1.3 With Sherpya "XPE 1.0.3" And "Nu2XPE 1.1" and I have this Error Message :
"XpeRunOnceEX. Error Execution : ||xpeint -f -m "Updating Start Menu Entries" %SystemDrive%\Programs\Nu2XPE\nu2xpe.exe OK
With "Nu2XPE 0.9", I haven't this Error.
2/ I use the Sherpya Plugin of McAfee "Virus Scanner RamDisk + NaiUpdater + BartGui v1.3". With "Nu2Menu" and Without "XPE 1.0.3" + "Nu2XPE 1.1", it work fine. See the attached File. This Is The Menu :
- Update Virus Definitions - Unpack Current Virus Definitions to Ramdisk - Cleanup Ramdisk Data ------------------------------------------------- - McAfee VirusScan GUI Wrapper ------------------------------------------------- - Scan all drives (report) - Scan all drives, all files (report) - Scan all drives, clean (report) - Scan all drives, all files, clean (report) ------------------------------------------------- - View report ------------------------------------------------- - Delete report file -------------------------------------------------
3/ With "XPE 1.0.3" + "Nu2XPE 1.1", it don't work and I haven't the same Menu (Incomplete with no Scan Possibility). See The attached File. This is The Menu :
- Cleanup Ramdisk Data - Delete Report file - Unpack current Virus Definition to Ramdisk - Update Virus Definition - View Report
This my "Mcafeeram.inf" : ------------------------------------------------------------- [Software.AddReg] 0x2,"Sherpya\XPEinit\Programs","McAfee VirusScan\GUI Wrapper","%temp%\mcafee\scangui.exe"
0x2,"Sherpya\XPEinit\Programs","McAfee VirusScan\Update Virus Definitions","%SystemDrive%\Programs\mcafeeram\NaiUpdater.exe|%temp%\mcafee" 0x2,"Sherpya\XPEinit\Programs","McAfee VirusScan\Unpack Current Virus Definition to Ramdisk","%SystemRoot%\System32\mcunpack.cmd" 0x2,"Sherpya\XPEinit\Programs","McAfee VirusScan\Cleanup Ramdisk Data","%ComSpec%|/c del /q /f %temp%\mcafee"
0x2,"Sherpya\XPEinit\Programs","McAfee VirusScan\Scan all drives (report)","%temp%\mcafee\scan.exe|/adl /noexpire /rpterr /report %temp%\scan.txt" 0x2,"Sherpya\XPEinit\Programs","McAfee VirusScan\Scan all drives, all files (report)","%temp%\mcafee\scan.exe|/adl /all /noexpire /rpterr /report %temp%\scan.txt" 0x2,"Sherpya\XPEinit\Programs","McAfee VirusScan\Scan all drives, clean (report)","%temp%\mcafee\scan.exe|/adl /noexpire /clean /rpterr /report %temp%\scan.txt" 0x2,"Sherpya\XPEinit\Programs","McAfee VirusScan\Scan all drives, all files, clean (report)","%temp%\mcafee\scan.exe|/adl /all /noexpire /clean /rpterr /report %temp%\scan.txt" 0x2,"Sherpya\XPEinit\Programs","McAfee VirusScan\View report","%SystemRoot%\System32\notepad.exe|%temp%\scan.txt" 0x2,"Sherpya\XPEinit\Programs","McAfee VirusScan\Delete report file","%ComSpec%|/c del %temp%\scan.txt" ------------------------------------------------------------- And My "Mcafeeram_nu2menu.xml" : ------------------------------------------------------------- <!-- Nu2Menu entry for McAfee Command Line VirScan Run From RamDisk + NaiUpdater --> <NU2MENU> <MENU ID="Programs"> <MITEM TYPE="POPUP" MENUID="Virus">[RAMDISK] McAfee Anti-Virus scanner</MITEM> </MENU>
<MENU ID="Virus"> <MITEM TYPE="ITEM" CMD="RUN" FUNC="@GetProgramDrive()\Programs\mcafeeram\NaiUpdater.exe @GetEnvVar('temp')\mcafee">Update Virus Definitions</MITEM> <MITEM TYPE="ITEM" CMD="RUN" FUNC="@GetWinDir()\system32\mcunpack.cmd">Unpack Current Virus Definition to Ramdisk</MITEM> <MITEM TYPE="ITEM" CMD="RUN" FUNC="@GetEnvVar('ComSpec') /c del /q /f @GetEnvVar('temp')\mcafee">Cleanup Ramdisk Data</MITEM> <MITEM TYPE="SEPARATOR"></MITEM> <MITEM TYPE="ITEM" DISABLED="@Not(@FileExists(@GetEnvVar('temp')\mcafee\scangui.exe)" CMD="RUN" FUNC="@GetEnvVar('temp')\mcafee\scangui.exe">McAfee VirusScan GUI Wrapper</MITEM> <MITEM TYPE="SEPARATOR"></MITEM> <MITEM TYPE="ITEM" CMD="RUN" FUNC="@GetEnvVar('temp')\mcafee\scan.exe /adl /noexpire /rpterr /report @GetEnvVar('temp')\scan.txt">Scan all drives (report)</MITEM> <MITEM TYPE="ITEM" CMD="RUN" FUNC="@GetEnvVar('temp')\mcafee\scan.exe /adl /all /noexpire /rpterr /report @GetEnvVar('temp')\scan.txt">Scan all drives, all files (report)</MITEM> <MITEM TYPE="ITEM" CMD="RUN" FUNC="@GetEnvVar('temp')\mcafee\scan.exe /adl /noexpire /clean /rpterr /report @GetEnvVar('temp')\scan.txt">Scan all drives, clean (report)</MITEM> <MITEM TYPE="ITEM" CMD="RUN" FUNC="@GetEnvVar('temp')\mcafee\scan.exe /adl /all /noexpire /clean /rpterr /report @GetEnvVar('temp')\scan.txt">Scan all drives, all files, clean (report)</MITEM> <MITEM TYPE="SEPARATOR"></MITEM> <MITEM TYPE="ITEM" CMD="RUN" PARM="3" FUNC="@GetWinDir()\system32\notepad.exe @GetEnvVar('temp')\scan.txt">View report</MITEM> <MITEM TYPE="SEPARATOR"></MITEM> <MITEM TYPE="ITEM" CMD="RUN" FUNC="@GetEnvVar('ComSpec') /c del @GetEnvVar('temp')\scan.txt">Delete report file</MITEM> </MENU> </NU2MENU> ------------------------------------------------------------
If Somebody has an Idea.
Thanks for your help.
Edited by Bruce Lee on Jun. 02 2005,21:16
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