Post Number: 1
Bruce Lee 

Group: Members
Posts: 65
Joined: Dec. 2004
Posted on: Jun. 21 2005,01:55 |
Hi Somebody,
I has an Application which work fine with :
1/ BartPE And UBCD4Win 2.5 2/ UBCD 3.3 3/ DOS 4/ Acronis Software
I replace my "Cdmenu.ezb" with 4 Choice by the new with 8 choice, and at the "Boot" I have the message :
"File Not Found" for all the choice.
In the general case, when I have a MultiBoot who work fine, what I have to do for "Insert" New Applications :
1/ With "UltraIso" ? 2/ With "EasyBoot" by insert under "\disk1" and Rebuild the ".Iso" after Open "Cdmenu.ezb" ? 3/ What is the Parameters to respect for "UltraIso" (by File -- Preference) or "EzBoot" before Rebuild.
Can I have an explanation of the different stage !!!!
Thanks for your Help, because after 2 weeks and many combinations, I haven't solve my Problems.
Thanks !!!
Post Number: 2
Posted on: Jun. 21 2005,02:41 |
Hello Bruce Lee
Basically you have to unpack everything from that iso-file (you earlier created), to EasyBoot\disk1 and then insert new facilities/changes (insert new images or whatever). Create a new iso-file and test it!
I have tried to make changes inside finished iso-files, but always ended up with a corrupt iso-file (sometimes some parts works, but Bartpe always freaks out).
Post Number: 3
Bruce Lee 

Group: Members
Posts: 65
Joined: Dec. 2004
Posted on: Jun. 21 2005,06:05 |
Hi eureka,
It's Crazy !!!! I uncompress An Iso Application which Work Fine. I test it before. I delete some Folders and I insert some Folders on it. I also replace the new "cdmenu.ezb" with the corresponding loader.bin. I rebuild the New Iso, then I burn a DVD with Nero and when I want to Boot, it's don't boot !!!!!!
Anybody have an idea ?
Post Number: 4
Posted on: Jun. 21 2005,07:32 |
Hi Bruce Lee
How about reinstall EasyBoot completely? There might be some problem there. Then unpack iso and so on…
Bye the way Bruce Lee, no problems with your English – works perfectly…
Post Number: 5
Bruce Lee 

Group: Members
Posts: 65
Joined: Dec. 2004
Posted on: Jun. 21 2005,09:08 |
Hi Eureka,
My new MultiBoot works, but I have another problems. That is in my BartPE, I have some programs which don't work. For sample, "Izarc" don't load and "KAV 5.0.227" don't work. This 2 programs work fine in a "MonoBoot" (without EzBoot) on DVD or USB 2.0 Key. I think that it's a problem of long name, because some directories was not found. When I open the ".Iso" with "UltraIso" and "Property", I have this parameters :
1/ System File = Joliet 2/ ISO 9660 Format : DOS (8.3) and Omit Version Of ISO 9660 3/ Format Joliet : Standard (64)
DOS (8.3) is doubtfull, because of "Short Name". I don't know why "Ezboot" don't put the good values, i.e. ISO 9660 Format = Extend Max (221).
If the support of "EZB System" could give an explains for this troubles.
Thanks for your Help !!! Help !!!
Post Number: 6
Bruce Lee 

Group: Members
Posts: 65
Joined: Dec. 2004
Posted on: Jun. 21 2005,14:58 |
Hi Somebody,
I have solved my Problem, but it's not Easier, because "EasyBoot" is very "Capricious" and in some situations some Programs don't work in "MultiBoot", even if it work fine with "MonoBoot" (From CD, DVD or USB Key 2.0). Perhaps a solution for a New Release.
Bye !! Bye !!!