Post Number: 1

Group: Members
Posts: 5
Joined: Jun. 2005
Posted on: Jun. 29 2005,09:29 |
Let me first explain what I'm trying to do before I explain the problem I'm having.
My company uses Norton Ghost to load images on all of our workstations and laptops from the network. Â To do this we have to create boot floppies for each different NIC that we may come across. Â To minimize the floppies we have to carry, I used EasyBoot to create a menu that will in turn launch the .img's of the various bootable floppies. Â I tested the CD on various workstations and had no problems.
I tried using the bootable CD on a laptop yesterday, the first time I tried it on a laptop, and it loads up the menu, but when I try to launch a .img from the menu it goes to a black screen with a blinking cursor and won't do anything else.
First I thought I didn't have the correct DOS drivers for the DVD/CD-RW drive in the laptop. Â I made a new bootable floppy that incorporated various dos drivers, thinking that one was bound to work. Â I created an .img of the floppy in EasyBoot, recreated the iso file, and burnt the CD. Â I took the CD and the bootable floppy over to the laptop, and the bootable CD still led to the blinking cursor on a black screen. Â The bootable floppy worked just fine, however. Â
I realized by doing that that the problem has nothing to do with dos drivers, as it doesn't even get that far in the boot process. Â The bootable floppy says "Starting PC-DOS..." before loading any of the drivers; the bootable CD doesn't even get that far.
I'm at a complete loss as to what could cause this, any insight would be most appreciated.
Post Number: 2
Post Number: 3

Group: Members
Posts: 5
Joined: Jun. 2005
Posted on: Jul. 01 2005,09:37 |
That worked like a charm! Thanks for the super-quick help.
Post Number: 4

Group: Members
Posts: 5
Joined: Jun. 2005
Posted on: Jul. 01 2005,09:40 |
One more thing...your link points to a different post now and I can't remember how to use cdshell with multiple floppy images.
Post Number: 5
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