Topic: Win95 OEM , Win98SE Retail , Win ME OEM AIO CD, How can you create an ALL in ONE CD | < Next Oldest | Next Newest > |
Post Number: 1

Group: Members
Posts: 58
Joined: Nov. 2005
Posted on: Nov. 11 2005,18:53 |
Can some one Please help me with details on how to make an all in one CD that contains: Win95 OEM , Win98SE Retail , Win ME OEM , Windows Me Upgrade
They are not self bootable. I have to use a floppy to do the booting. I have Win98SE bootdisk that allows me to boot and use fdisk and stuff when I need to Format a new disk. Then from the bootdisk I go into the CD and run setup.exe. I would like to have it simplified.
I would like to have the a All in one bootable CD which will allow me to format or Fdisk, and Partition a Drive.
How can I make the Win95 OEM , Win98SE Retail , Win ME OEM ,and Windows Me Upgrade Start the "Setup.exe" when I click on one of the options on the following Menu I want to have?
So I want to have these programs as a choice in my menu
- [1] Windows 98 SE Bootdisk [DOS] - Run: Fdisk - Create, Delete, & Make Active Partitions - Run: Format - afterward to Make Drive Usable - [2 ] Paragon Partition Manager v7.00.000.1057 [Creat, resize and merge Hard-Drive disk partitions] - [3] Windows 95 OEM - [4] Windows 98 Second Edition - [5] Windows Me [Millennium Edition] OEM - [6] Windows Me [Millennium Edition] Upgrade [Use Win95 OEM or Win98Se for Quality Check] - [7] Boot from Hard Disk - [8] Reboot
Here is my current folder Structure.
disk1 Folder contains the following subfolders -----
Code Sample | ezboot PartMngr Win95_OEM Win98SE WinME_OEM WinME_Upgrade
Directory of each SubFolder
ezboot -------
Code Sample | default.ezb ebback.bmp eblogo.bmp loader.bin logo.bm1 logo.bmp setup98.img standard.ctb w2ksect.bin back.bm1 BACK.BMP cdmenu.ezb
PartMngr ---------
Code Sample | Paragon Partition Manager v7.00.000.1057 Bootfile.bif
- [ Contents of Paragon Partition Manager v7.00.000.1057 Bootfile.bif ] Problem when i ran this to test it is that it wont shut down when I click on General - Exit . It just freezes VMware.
Code Sample | cp850uni.tbl cp855uni.tbl cp874uni.tbl shsucdx.exe images nls autoexec.bat cfg1.cfg config.sys cp437uni.tbl cp737uni.tbl cp852uni.tbl cp857uni.tbl cp858uni.tbl cp861uni.tbl cp862uni.tbl cp863uni.tbl cp864uni.tbl cp865uni.tbl cp866uni.tbl cp869uni.tbl cwsdpmi.exe dinks.dat dinks.ini himem64.exe ibmbio.sys ibmdos.sys layout.ini luxisr.ttf mouse.dat restart.bat restart.pif start.exe vide-cdd.sys cp775uni.tbl |
Win95_OEM -----------
Code Sample | winsetup.bin wowkit.exe xmsmmgr.exe cs3kit.exe dossetup.bin extract.exe FORMAT.COM layout1.inf layout.inf MINI.CAB MSINFO.INF OEMSETUP.BIN OEMSETUP.EXE PRECOPY1.CAB PRECOPY2.CAB readme.txt RMM.PDR scandisk.pif scandisk.exe scanprog.exe SERIAL#.txt SETUP25I.EXE SETUP32.EXE setup.exe setup.txt smartdrv.exe SUHELPER.BIN SWINST4.EXE wb16off.exe
Win98SE ---------
Code Sample | WIN98_74.CAB WIN98_OL.CAB xmsmmgr.exe ols tour BASE4.CAB BASE5.CAB BASE6.CAB CATALOG3.CAB dossetup.bin DRIVER11.CAB DRIVER12.CAB DRIVER13.CAB DRIVER14.CAB DRIVER15.CAB DRIVER16.CAB DRIVER17.CAB DRIVER18.CAB DRIVER19.CAB DRIVER20.CAB extract.exe FORMAT.COM intl.txt NET7.CAB NET8.CAB NET9.CAB NET10.CAB OEMSETUP.BIN OEMSETUP.EXE PRECOPY1.CAB PRECOPY2.CAB scandisk.pif scandisk.exe scanprog.exe scanreg.exe SERIAL#.txt setup0.wav setup1.wav setup2.wav setup.exe setup.txt smartdrv.exe suback.bin sucatreg.exe suhelper.bin w98setup.bin wb16off.exe WIN98_21.CAB WIN98_22.CAB WIN98_23.CAB WIN98_24.CAB WIN98_25.CAB WIN98_26.CAB WIN98_27.CAB WIN98_28.CAB WIN98_29.CAB WIN98_30.CAB WIN98_31.CAB WIN98_32.CAB WIN98_33.CAB WIN98_34.CAB WIN98_35.CAB WIN98_36.CAB WIN98_37.CAB WIN98_38.CAB WIN98_39.CAB WIN98_40.CAB WIN98_41.CAB WIN98_42.CAB WIN98_43.CAB WIN98_44.CAB WIN98_45.CAB WIN98_46.CAB WIN98_47.CAB WIN98_48.CAB WIN98_49.CAB WIN98_50.CAB WIN98_51.CAB WIN98_52.CAB WIN98_53.CAB WIN98_54.CAB WIN98_55.CAB WIN98_56.CAB WIN98_57.CAB WIN98_58.CAB WIN98_59.CAB WIN98_60.CAB WIN98_61.CAB WIN98_62.CAB WIN98_63.CAB WIN98_64.CAB WIN98_65.CAB WIN98_66.CAB WIN98_67.CAB WIN98_68.CAB WIN98_69.CAB WIN98_70.CAB WIN98_71.CAB WIN98_72.CAB WIN98_73.CAB
WinME_OEM -----------
Code Sample | xmsmmgr.exe ols BASE2.CAB CATALOG.CAB cleanhd.txt dossetup.bin DRIVER5.CAB DRIVER6.CAB DRIVER7.CAB extract.exe intl.txt msbatch.inf NET3.CAB NET4.CAB oemsetup.bin oemsetup.exe PRECOPY1.CAB scandisk.pif scandisk.exe scanprog.exe scanreg.exe setup0.wav setup.exe setup.txt smartdrv.exe suback16.bin suback.bin suhelper.bin w9xsetup.bin wb16off.exe win640.bin win800.bin win1024.bin WIN_8.CAB WIN_9.CAB WIN_10.CAB WIN_11.CAB WIN_12.CAB WIN_13.CAB WIN_14.CAB WIN_15.CAB WIN_16.CAB WIN_17.CAB WIN_18.CAB WIN_19.CAB WIN_20.CAB WIN_21.CAB WIN_22.CAB WIN_OL.CAB winme.wmv
WinME_Upgrade ---------
Code Sample | WIN_OL.CAB winme.wmv xmsmmgr.exe ols BASE2.CAB CATALOG.CAB cleanhd.txt dossetup.bin DRIVER5.CAB DRIVER6.CAB DRIVER7.CAB extract.exe intl.txt NET3.CAB NET4.CAB PRECOPY1.CAB scandisk.pif scandisk.exe scanprog.exe scanreg.exe setup0.wav setup.exe setup.txt smartdrv.exe suback16.bin suback.bin suhelper.bin w9xsetup.bin wb16off.exe win640.bin win800.bin win1024.bin WIN_8.CAB WIN_9.CAB WIN_10.CAB WIN_11.CAB WIN_12.CAB WIN_13.CAB WIN_14.CAB WIN_15.CAB WIN_16.CAB WIN_17.CAB WIN_18.CAB WIN_19.CAB WIN_20.CAB WIN_21.CAB WIN_22.CAB
Thank you for taking the time to read this and also Thanks for any Help you can give me. The more detail the better.
Post Number: 2
Posted on: Nov. 12 2005,06:44 |
To deity
He, he perhaps not perfect according to this: ” The more detail the better”… Seems to me that you very well “now what you are doing”, so perhaps I don’t need to make it so detailed – hope you don’t mind?
Read this topic:;t=1083
YOU ONLY NEED TO CHANGE PATH IN AUTOEXEC.BAT AND CREATE DIFFERENT IMAGES. Use >EasyBoot > Tools > ”Make floppy image” to create different bootable image files.
ATTENTION: Reduce length in folders and names to maximum eight letters. Not “WINME_OEM” use “WINMEOEM” and the same to every folder – reduce length on names to maximum eight letters or less. Do the same to names on images used in EasyBoot. Example: To start setup of “WINME_OEM” name this image to “WINMEOEM.img” not “WINME_OEM.img” - to many letters. It’s possible to overcome this but then you may experience some other problems – so please, reduce length.
Examples on different Autoexec.bat down below here (copy text if you like). Note: You do not need to make any changes in config.sys if using downloaded “bootmec”
@echo off
rem This starts win98SE setup
MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:X PATH=a:\;a:\dos;x:\win98SE setup.exe
@echo off
rem This starts win95OEM setup
MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:X rem Note: I have reduced length on name from “WIN95_OEM” to “WIN95OEM” PATH=a:\;a:\dos;x:\WIN95OEM setup.exe
@echo off
rem This starts fdisk
Use >EasyBoot > Tools > ”Make floppy image” to create this different bootable image files. Note: in “Output file name” change name from “boot.img” to “win98SE.img” and/or “win95OEM.img” (no quotes) and same to the rest of different images. Note: eight letters or less on names! Use command in EasyBoot as usual: run win98SE.img and/or run win95OEM.img and more choices in your menu, starting up different images.
About format in DOS, I suggest you use “standard image” (Windows 98 SE Bootdisk) and from A:\> manually use keyboard (“format C:”). It’s possible to set command-switch and automatically run “quick-format” from image at ones, but perhaps a little bit dangerous. I suggest that you do it “manually” using keyboard. When creating ISO using EasyBoot. Only activate “Optimize” and nothing more!
Finally, paragon: Please show me the contents of autoexec.bat in paragon-image This is my autoexec.bat in paragon: ------------
@echo off echo Welcome to PTS-DOS
if exist restart.log set OPTIONS=/restart start.exe %OPTIONS% if "%OPTIONS%"=="/restart" del restart.log
shutdown /R
Post Number: 3
Posted on: Nov. 12 2005,07:01 |
To deity
I forgot about Win95. If it doesn’t run using ”standard procedure”, read this:;t=1036
It depends on what version you are using.
Post Number: 4

Group: Members
Posts: 58
Joined: Nov. 2005
Posted on: Nov. 12 2005,16:22 |
Thanks for the help
It will take some time to read and make it work. Will take your advice on making the changes to the folder names Will read the other thread
I went to check the version where I have it installed. It says its " Windows 95 v4.00.950 B "
any idea to which autoexec.bat to use with this version of Win95
Here is my Paragon "autoexec" info
Code Sample | @echo off echo Welcome to PTS-DOS
if exist restart.log set OPTIONS=/restart start.exe %OPTIONS% if "%OPTIONS%"=="/restart" del restart.log
| I added the last line in your autoexec.bat to see if that did the trick but it didnt.
Can I see Whats in you Paragon config.sys file?
Here is whats in my Paragon config.sys
Code Sample | files=20 buffers=10 stacks=0,0 break=on lastdrive=z switches=/F DEVICE=himem64.exe dos=low device=vide-cdd.sys /D:CD001 /E:256 /P break = ON
Some Questions:
Are .*bif and *.IMA the same thing?
Quote | Note: You do not need to make any changes in config.sys if using downloaded “bootmec”
| Where is this bootmec. I dont see it.
Can you explain what it is doing in this lines. Just so I can understand whats going on.
Code Sample | @echo off
rem This starts win98SE setup <- Is this just telling you whats going to happen, A comment right
MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:X <- Dont understand whats going on here PATH=a:\;a:\dos;x:\win98SE <- Dont understand whats going on here setup.exe <- I understand this Part
Code Sample |
MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:X rem Note: I have reduced length on name from “WIN95_OEM” to “WIN95OEM” <- understood :) PATH=a:\;a:\dos;x:\WIN95OEM <- Dont understand setup.exe <- understood
One other question which is bugging me. When you say use the command under Easyboot "run WINMEOEM.ima" What is the default starting point when we use the "run WINMEOEM.ima" command in Easyboot. Is it Disk1.
Does this mean when I type "run WINMEOEM.ima". Is it saying go into Disk1\WINMEOEM\WINMEOEM.ima <- Can I put the WINMEOEM.ima in the same folder as WINMEOEM\ If so how do I tell EasyBoot Where "WINMEOEM.ima" is
I installed EasyBoot in C:\EasyBoot
I copied both folders "disk1\ezboot" to my "D:\MultibootableOS's Win95-98SE-ME\disk1\ezboot"
Im using the default.ezb as template
So these is goig to be the new Dir Structure
D:\MultibootableOS's Win95-98SE-ME\disk1\
What Run command do I use in Easyboot?
DOS7_1_0 - DOS7_1_0.ima
ezboot - all the Files that where there originally in there
Win95OEM - WINMEOEM.ima - all the Windows Install Files mentioned on first post
Win98SE - WIN98SE.ima - all the Windows Install Files mentioned on first post
WINMEOEM - WINMEOEM.ima - all the Windows Install Files mentioned on first post
WINMEUPG - WINMEUPG.ima - all the Windows Install Files mentioned on first post
PartMngr - PartMngr.ima <- Thats why I asked if the .*bif and *.IMA the same thing? - PartMngr.bif <- because these two files are the same size [ 1,440 KB]
D:\MultibootableOS's Win95-98SE-ME\disk1\ezboot <- Dose anything go in here other then what was in there originaly
If I have a couple of IMA DOS utility images where can I Put them so they run properly? I wanted them to be in their own subfolder under the Disk1 Directory. This is one of the Subfolder under Disk1 So its like this D:\MultibootableOS's Win95-98SE-ME\disk1\DOS7_1_1\DOS7_1_0.ima
What command do i write when I try to create the "run DOS7_1_0.ima" I dont think that will work because there is a subdirectory of DOS7_1_0 in Disk1 before the DOS7_1_1.ima
This DOS7_1_0.ima bootfloppy has USB, CDROM recognition and Mouse Support Is theres a way to boot this DOS7_1_0.ima file with the options.
1 Go to DOS Prompt 2. Run Checkdisk 3. Run Fdisk
Thank you! deity
Edited by deity on Nov. 12 2005,17:39
Post Number: 5
Posted on: Nov. 12 2005,17:47 |
To deity
Sorry, but I think you have mixed things up here and there. Please read help in EasyBoot to get the basic stuff!
I don’t think it’s the right time to go any further at this point. Only some answers:
@echo off
rem This starts win98SE setup <- Is this just telling you whats going to happen, A comment right>> YES, it’s okay to delete this line!
MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:X <- Dont understand whats going on here >> Read this topic one more time:;f=1;t=1083 and please in the same time use second link in topic to get more information.
PATH=a:\;a:\dos;x:\win98SE <- Dont understand whats going on here >> This is a very simple dos-command. It forces path in dos to point to folder win98SE (It’s really very basic stuff…) setup.exe <- I understand this Part
“What is the default starting point when we use the "run WINMEOEM.ima" command in Easyboot. Is it Disk1”. NO!!! IT’S EASYBOOT\DISk1\EZBOOT Please read help in EasyBoot!
“Can I put the WINMEOEM.ima in the same folder as WINMEOEM” NO!!!!! Please read help in EasyBoot!
“If I have a couple of IMA DOS utility images where can I Put them so they run properly?” Yes probably, but we need to straight some things out before we go any further. Please, start with reading help in EasyBoot!
Anyway, about paragon: In paragon autoexec.bat – please test with inserting this text in the very end: “reboot” (no quotes!) Autoexec.bat in paragon should now look like this: -------------
@echo off echo Welcome to PTS-DOS
if exist restart.log set OPTIONS=/restart start.exe %OPTIONS% if "%OPTIONS%"=="/restart" del restart.log reboot
-------------- Just curios… This is importing for me: Did you start paragon from EasyBoot or did you use floppy itself?
See you tomorrow (it’s bedtime, my eyes are falling down…)
Post Number: 6

Group: Members
Posts: 58
Joined: Nov. 2005
Posted on: Nov. 12 2005,21:45 |
Quote | Please read help in EasyBoot to get the basic stuff! |
I did read the Manual first to get an idea, but its a little confusing. Thats one reason im asking questions. To fill in those holes.
Quote | copy all boot image file needed to "C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot", such as setup98.img, wxpsect.bin, to reduce additional file form CD root directory. |
So do boot files have to be with *.img extension and not IMA or PIF. So they also have to be in the ezboot directory so thats why when you write run setup98.img its default starting to run is in the folder Ezboot and from when it runs the image file, it runs the autoexec.bat file which proceeds to go to the root disk1 folder to go into for example the Win98 folder to run setup.exe to begin the installation .
Quote | MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:X <- Dont understand whats going on here >> Read this topic one more time: |
Your refering to this
Code Sample | Quote: ” what does mscdex.exe /D:tomato /L:X mean and is it really supposed to be tomato” “tomato” is just a “name substitute”. You may call it “potatoes” or “Pluto” or whatever. Note: Same name must be in “name substitute” in config.sys file. No need to change this.
Code Sample | “What is the default starting point when we use the "run WINMEOEM.ima" command in Easyboot. Is it Disk1”. NO!!! IT’S EASYBOOT\DISk1\EZBOOT Please read help in EasyBoot!
Understood. After reading the Help it was not made very clear. Thats why I asked.
Quote | PATH=a:\;a:\dos;x:\win98SE <- Dont understand whats going on here >> This is a very simple dos-command. It forces path in dos to point to folder win98SE (It’s really very basic stuff…)
PATH= <-What does PATH do, Whats its purpose a:\ <- Im thinking it goes into A drive ; <- From reading another Thread I think is this a separator between multiple commands
a:\dos <- Whats it doing here
x:\win98SE <- Where did we get the x:
Quote | “Can I put the WINMEOEM.ima in the same folder as WINMEOEM” NO!!!!! Please read help in EasyBoot! |
So it has to go into the EZBOOT folder.
After finishing the layout. I was thinking of moving all files back to C drive EASYBOOT\DISk1\EZBOOT but is that mandatory. Or can i just create the D:\MultibootableOS's Win95-98SE-ME\EASYBOOT\DISk1\EZBOOT I have the original ezboot files in the Ezboot folder. For example the default.ezb and the rest of the files Im working on to make the interface. Would that not work. Since Im still using the same directory structure.
Quote | “If I have a couple of IMA DOS utility images where can I Put them so they run properly?” Yes probably, but we need to straight some things out before we go any further. Please, start with reading help in EasyBoot! |
I read the manual! Thats what confused me. I think im still confused.
Quote | Just curios… This is importing for me: Did you start paragon from EasyBoot or did you use floppy itself?
No im testing it using the Floppy itself. I havent tried making an ISO yet. Im working on the Layout and the Background Image and the text aswell.
The reboot at the end of the Paragon autoexec.bat at the end of the text file did the job. Very cool!
Forgot that you can use the tools to transform an IMA image to a *.img file.
All it creates is an empty Image when I use the IMA source to seed Image. I created an empty 1440 and a 2280 img file but I cant Put any files into it. Im usig Winimage to open the img file. And its empty. Even though the Seed is full of files.
Thanks for your help!
Edited by deity on Nov. 13 2005,03:47
Post Number: 7
Posted on: Nov. 13 2005,07:13 |
To deity
I do agree with you that help in EasyBoot is far from any ”masterpiece”, it has its limits. Quote: “I think im still confused”. You are not alone…. When I started using EasyBoot I was more than confused. I ended up “pulling out my hair” – Well I’m not bold yet, but I’m working on it….
Anyway… *.bif is what extension that’s being used in programs like UltraIso. *.bif-file with size 1,44 Mb (floppy-size) is basically the same as *ima or *.img.
This means that images with “floppy-size” (created from “normal” floppy-size) could have extension: *.bif, *.ima and *.img they are al used in the same way. Quote: “All it creates is an empty Image when I use the IMA source to seed Image. I created an empty 1440 and a 2280 img file but I cant Put any files into it. I’m using Winimage to open the img file. And its empty. Even though the Seed is full of files.”
You only use “seed image” to get bootsector. Then use winimage or UltraIso to inject files. Read this topic:;t=473
Quote: “So they also have to be in the ezboot directory so thats why when you write run setup98.img its default starting to run is in the folder Ezboot and from when it runs the image file, it runs the autoexec.bat file which proceeds to go to the root disk1 folder to go into for example the Win98 folder to run setup.exe to begin the installation .” Correct!
Quote: “x:\win98SE <- Where did we get the x:” >> From the line above: MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:X Note: “tomato” is just a funny nickname. In config.sys this line is set to same: “DEVICE=cd1.SYS /D:tomato” You can name it “pluto”, “potatoes”, “lassie” or “europe” or whatever. But same “nickname” must be set in Autoexec.bat.
Syntax for path: PATH; PATH [d:]path[;][d:]path[...] Purpose: Sets or displays directories that will be searched for programs not in the current directory. PATH tells DOS which directories should be searched for external commands after DOS searches your working directory. DOS searches the paths in the order specified in the PATH command. Example in autoexec.bat: PATH=a:\;a:\dos;x:\WIN95OEM Dos “jumps” to directory WIN95OEM in unit X:\ Unit X (first CD/VDV-reader-unit) is forced to have letter X bye this dos-command: “MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:X” It’s possible to fix this using other dos-commands or using a small dos-program like “findCD”. Note: I like to make things straight on combined with a way that I now is 100% waterproof.
However, I think you need to learn more about DOS. This isn’t the right forum to discuss this.
You will run in to a lot of different dos-commands later on. Take a look in autoexec.bat in paragon and notice that path isn’t changed because paragon is not calling on any different harddisk/CD/DVD-unit, it uses only path to floppy (SET PATH=a:\). EasyBoot runs floppy-images in “dos emulated mode”. This means that it is easy to use images in EasyBoot. Nice that you solved your problems with paragon floppy with that command I suggested. Start “EasyBoot >>Tools >>Make Floppy Image” and make a new image using paragon-floppy. Note that deafault location is EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot for this new image. Then try to make a menu-start in EasyBoot for this new image (and finally create ISO) and see if you can make it run? Note: default name when creating image in “EasyBoot >>Tools >>Make Floppy Image” is “boot.img” change it to paragon.img and set command in menu to: run paragon.img
Quote: “I have the original ezboot files in the Ezboot folder. For example the default.ezb and the rest of the files Im working on to make the interface. Would that not work. Since Im still using the same directory structure.” What’s the point with moving stuff around? You need to change path on a lot of stuff inside EasyBoot. I suggest you use original installation path ([C:]).
I have noticed that you made some progress, and I think it’s only a matter of time to you get things right, and finally create your first ISO using EasyBoot.
Post Number: 8

Group: Members
Posts: 58
Joined: Nov. 2005
Posted on: Nov. 13 2005,17:25 |
I have finished the a beta of my layout for the CD im creating. I used fireworks to create the layout and save it into a 256 color BMP 8 File. I was getting error meassage when trying to use it. So, I went to search for more info at this forum and found a suggestion where you can go into the Easyboot Options - Configuration - ScreenMode - 256 Color [8bit] and then tryied using the one I made and it worked. The background worked.
It seems Easyboot uses only the things that are contained within the disk1 folder when creating an ISO. I opened the ISO it created and it contained the 4 folders I had in the disk1 Folder for testing.
These are all floppies
Dell <- Having Problems with this one working It has a Ghost image for backing up my drive It launches the DOS options Menu, but when I click one the options it says restore .... It launches but it can reports "CDR103: CDROM not High Sierra or ISO-9660 format reading drive T Abort, Retry, Fail? But When I use test the ISO again, And i select one of the options it boots up with ghost just fine.
DOS7_1_0 <- Seems to lauch using the Menu created
PartMngr <- Seems to lauch using the Menu created
I have also messed with layou using the Eazyboot. Its not so easy to get the blending to match. I have to experiment some more to try to get the right effect.
Quote | Anyway… *.bif is what extension that’s being used in programs like UltraIso. *.bif-file with size 1,44 Mb (floppy-size) is basically the same as *ima or *.img.
You only use “seed image” to get bootsector. Then use winimage or UltraIso to inject files. Read this topic:;t=473
| Ok! Now I get What it is for.
So does that mean that when I have the bootsector seeded into the new img, then I can extract the IMA contents and inject them back to the new img that has the IMA bootsector. RIght!
Tested my theory and it works.
Thanks for the explanation. It helps in better understanding whats going on. That way, I can thinker with it if I need to.
Quote | However, I think you need to learn more about DOS. This isn’t the right forum to discuss this. | You know any good forums.
Quote | Start “EasyBoot >>Tools >>Make Floppy Image” and make a new image using paragon-floppy. Note that deafault location is EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot for this new image. Then try to make a menu-start in EasyBoot for this new image (and finally create ISO) and see if you can make it run? Note: default name when creating image in “EasyBoot >>Tools >>Make Floppy Image” is “boot.img” change it to paragon.img and set command in menu to: run paragon.img |
These two are working if I keep them in the ezyboot folder using the run command DOS7_1_0.img 1,440 KB PartMngr.img 2,880 KB
Im having problems with this one DELL_NRU.img 2,880 KB
The only thing visible when you use UltraISO to open the ISO is the ghost.exe file which is 1,366 KB in size
- So what i did was Open the ISO with UltraISO. - Saved the *.bif boot file. I contains the autoexec.bat file and other files. In total it saves into a 1,440 KB bif file. - I opened the bif file in UltraISO and saved it into a IMA file. - I used Easyboot to create a 2,880 KB boodisk img using the seed from the IMA file. - I tried two things after that - 1. I opened the 2,880 KB IMG file in Winimage and inserted the ghost.exe into it. Since it has the boot info from when I seeded into it. I should have booted ok. But it didnt. I get the message: Invalid sytem disk Replace the disk and then press any key If I press any key, It reboots the system. Then im back in the easy boot menu i created. - 2. I also opened the IMA file that was the bif bootfile before and extracted its contents out and then injected them to the 2,880 KB IMG file with the Ghost.exe file. This time it recognize the cdroms and booted into the selection options menu. But once I select a menu option it seems to launch just fine but then get the error message I mentioned above:
"CDR103: CDROM not High Sierra or ISO-9660 format reading drive T Abort, Retry, Fail? But When I use test the ISO again, And i select one of the options it boots up with ghost just fine.
Quote | I have noticed that you made some progress, and I think it’s only a matter of time to you get things right, and finally create your first ISO using EasyBoot.
| Yes! I have. With some help in the beginning, so far so good. I Have to mess with things a bit more to get the hang of it.
Have to work on the blending of the selectable options. they look blury.
Ill be back later I have to go try to fix a friends computer. He has some viruses and trojans. From the symptons his reporting.
Thanks for all you help!
Edited by deity on Nov. 13 2005,22:33
Post Number: 9
Posted on: Nov. 14 2005,04:17 |
To deity
Quote: ”So does that mean that when I have the bootsector seeded into the new img, then I can extract the IMA contents and inject them back to the new img that has the IMA bootsector. RIght!” Correct!
Quote: ” Im having problems with this one DELL_NRU.img 2,880 KB The only thing visible when you use UltraISO to open the ISO is the ghost.exe file which is 1,366 KB in size”
“use UltraISO to open the ISO” What I can figure out here is that this is a ISO-file containing ghost in the root of ISO-file and that you then saved bootrecord as *.bif Correct? If this is the case, you have to copy ghost.exe to the root (EasyBoot\disk1) and then use saved *.bif as usual in EasyBoot: “run *.bif”. Because path to ghost.exe in Autoexec.bat in *.bif is probably pointing to the root of CD/DVD-unit.
About Ghost: If still having problem to start Ghost, please use this guide: Download bootfile: “Windows Me Custom, No Ramdrive” from here:
Use right mouse button on “bootmec.exe” and choose to “Extract to bootmec\” (you need zip-program of some kind installed. I prefer WinRAR). You now have a new folder named “bootmec”. Open folder and locate “bootmec-img”. We are going to edit autoexec.bat in this one. Use WinImage (or UltraIso) and extract Autoexec.bat to some temporary folder (use folder bootmec to make it easy). Open autoexec and put in this text (delete other text):
@echo off
MSCDEX.EXE /D:tomato /L:X PATH=a:\;a:\dos;x:\
ctmouse.exe ghost reboot
------------------ Save autoexec.bat back to bootmec.img
Note: To easy up next step, I suggest you create several temporary folders, because we need to extract and inject stuff from images and compressed files from here and there.
Start EasyBoot>>Tools>>Create new Image >> set Image size to: 2880 >> and use bootmec.img as “Seed Image” >>when saving this new image, rename file from “2880.img” to “ghost.img” (no quotes). Make sure you save image to EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot
Now open this “oversized” ghost.img and inject ghost.exe followed bye injecting every file from bootmec.img as well. End it up with injecting “” from EasyBoot\ resource. Finally, we need mouse support. Download zip-file from here: Extract “ctmouse.exe” from zip-file and inject it to “ghost.img”.
As I pointed out in the beginning – use temporary folders to make it easier to separate files and images.
You should now have a new Image in EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot named ghost.img with size 2880. Use command in EasyBoot as usual: “run ghost.img” (no quotes). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some notes… Quote: “So what i did was Open the ISO with UltraISO. - Saved the .bif boot file. I contains the autoexec.bat file and other files. In total it saves into a 1,440 KB bif file. - I opened the bif file in UltraISO and saved it into a IMA file.”
No need to rework *.bif. You can use this one (*.bif) as it is in EasyBoot (run *.bif). Note: use extension “bif” as it is!
Quote: ” >>…go into the Easyboot Options - Configuration - ScreenMode - 256 Color [8bit] and then tryied using the one I made and it worked. The background worked” Yes you have to set screen mode (colours and size) to the same as your choice of background picture, I always use 256 colours. Have never experied any troubles using those colours – but you never now… --------------------------- Links on your request: (A1 Dos Utilities Shareware).
Regards eureka
Post Number: 10
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