Post Number: 1

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Posted on: Nov. 01 2005,14:32 |
Hi, I've made a multi-disc with menu using the EZBoot. I've followed the steps in the guide Nin1 boot cd/dvd to create some Win. installations dvd. I'm having several problems: 1. during XP installations he's always asking me to insert CD with SP2 and by pressing OK the default for the files are: "D:\I386" and how it should be: "D:\xpen\I386". I manually writing it down in the tab but the messege is returning itself all the time (just to mention that i changed in the tiff file the SetupSourcePath to "xpen" like in the guide). 2. I'm also getting some error messeges in the first begining of Win. 2000 and 2003 server (it's on the very first step of the installations when it supposed to copy files..).
Thanks in advance !
Post Number: 2
Posted on: Nov. 01 2005,15:10 |
To djavis
Quote: “during XP installations he's always asking me to insert CD with SP2 and by pressing OK the default for the files are: "D:\I386" and how it should be: "D:\xpen\I386". This error is caused by the fact that you don’t have necessary ident-files on both the “primary root” and the “second root”.
Explanation: Ident-files ("win51" and more files) must reside on the root “EasyBoot\disk1” and on “second root” witch is folder below i386 (xpen). Example in your case:
EasyBoot\disk1\ win51 (and more ident-files, because this is “the primary root”) EasyBoot\disk1\ xpen\ win51 (and more ident-files, and a bunch of setup-files. Note: this is “the second root”) EasyBoot\disk1\ xpen\ i386\ (ident-files not necessary in here)
A brief explanation how it works: When you start setup (running equivalent “w2ksect.bin”) this starts setupldr.bin in folder “xpen”, and setup is looking on the root of CD\DVD-unit (“primary root”) for win51 (and more ident-files). Files from i386 are then copied to two different folders on [C:] (one boot-folder and another folder holding installation-files). When finished, computer reboots and continues installation. Installation program now looks on the “second root”, witch is xpen (you have changed this in “txtsetup.sif >> Setupsource”. That’s why you need ident-files in two places. I now, it’s seems stupid, but necessary! Note: Setup-program still needs to have CD/DVD in reader-unit!
To solve problems with 2000 and 2003 server, please use “Gosh way”. Link here: http://gosh.msfnhosting.com/part1.htm  In this way you get a superb boot-folder with right set of setup-files.
Attention: Don’t forget to make a copy of boot.ini and save this to floppy (or some temporary folder). When “false” install is finished, overwrite changed boot.ini-file with saved original one). Note: boot.ini is hided on the root [C:]
Post Number: 3

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Posted on: Nov. 19 2005,15:06 |
Hi Again,
Regards the XP issues many thanks - my CD is now working and i can install XP. But my problems with the 2000 and 2003 are still the same. There's no info about 2000/2003 in your link... I'm adding the 2000 and 2003 by the "Nin1" guide from the EZBoot but i'm getting some errors with missing files right from the start of the installation process (the blue screen). Please try to make a DVD with XP and 2000 and 2003 win according to the "Nin1" guide and you'll see the problems if you'll choose to install 2000 or 2003 from the EZ menu.
Please help and advise what should i do .
Thanks ! :-)
Post Number: 4
Posted on: Nov. 20 2005,07:56 |
To djavis
Quote: ”Please try to make a DVD with XP and 2000 and 2003 win according to the "Nin1" guide and you'll see the problems….” Yes you have 100% right there. You need to run what I name: “Gosh guide”: http://gosh.msfnhosting.com/part1.htm Note: I use a slight different way comparing to ”Gosh guide”, because I have problems using my keyboard in Virtual computer.
DO IT THIS WAY! (In EasyBoot “practical guide” I refer to Win2000).
There is a hook here. You need to have win98 or WinMe installed, because we try to make an upgrade. But you can’t “down-grade” your system from WinXP to Win2000. To avoid installing Win98/WinMe to be able to upgrade, please use Virtual computer (or Wmware). Install Win98 (or WinMe) in Virtual Computer.
When finished with installation of win98 (or winme) in virtual computer. Run virtual computer (starting windows 98/winme) and put Win2000-CD in CD-reader. It should now autostart, if not, manually open CD and start “Setup.exe”. XP Setup should come up.  Make sure you chose New Installation, not Upgrade.  Go through the options as usual.  Don't download updated setup files.  If the "Setup Options" screen shows up, click on "Advanced Options", and make sure "copy all installation files from the CD" is checked. If it's grayed out - that's fine. It will create 2 folders on the root [C:].  These folders may be hidden, so make sure you can see hidden files/folders. Note: This is a very slow process, but it works. When Setup trying to reboot computer (finished with copying files) choose to stop reboot. You should no have two new folders: $WIN_NT$.~BT  and $WIN_NT$.~LS on [C:]. The BT folder has your boot files; the LS folder has the main install files (the same as the i386 folder, but reduced).
You now have two options. 1. Rename $WIN_NT$.~LS to i386 and use this reduced folder as i386. 2. Skip this reduced i386 ($WIN_NT$.~LS) and use original folder on CD (i386). I prefer reduced folder. Note: you cant upgrade from Win9* using this reduced folder. But who upgrades this days?
Still working from Virtual computer, rename folder $WIN_NT$.~BT Â to BOOT and finally, burn this folder to a CD-RW. (As option burn folder i386 as well to CD-RW).
When finished, shut down virtual computer and use “practical guide” in EasyBoot. As option jump over step 3, if you choose to use reduced folder (from CD-RW) instead of the big original i386 folder. Jump over step 4 (don’t run wxp.bat). Instead copy everything from CD-RW\boot-folder to “en2k”. Now you have a perfect set of “boot-files”. As option, put winnt.sif (unattended file) in folder “en2k”.
The above method applies to Windows 2003 Server as well, in fact to the whole WinNT-“family” from Win2000 to this date. Note: Delete $WIN_NT$.~BT  and $WIN_NT$.~LS in Virtual Computer before you run the same procedure with Win2003. And if using same system (Win98/WinMe) on virtual computer, choose to start “windows” when it starts up.
Note: It’s possible to have Win2000, Win2000 server, Bartpe and some extra material on same CD, if you choose to use reduced i386-folder. Not bad?
Post Number: 5

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Posted on: Nov. 21 2005,13:31 |
Hi again,
First of all i would really wanna thank you for your help... Now for the CD - I can't really understand how reducing the I386 folder will help because if i've copied all the original folder of the 2000 installation (for example) and he didn't find some files - how would he find it now if the folder is smaller ? All the process of installing a win98 and upgrading will really help ? If the guide on the EZBoot not working well why not publishing a working one ?
Just to make sure before i'm installing VMWare and win98, my goal is to have a CD (if needed it will be dvd) with XP, 2000 Pro, 2000 Server and 2003 server. your last "guide" will work and create this kind of a "N in 1"
Post Number: 6
Posted on: Nov. 21 2005,14:29 |
To djavis
Quote: ”I can't really understand how reducing the I386 folder will help because if i've copied all the original folder of the 2000 installation (for example) and he didn't find some files - how would he find it now if the folder is smaller ?”.
Did you copy every file from i386 to “en2k” and in the same time put an extra folder i386 in folder “en2k”? Or what? Or did you copy i386 to “en2k” and run w2k.bat inside “en2k”? Please explain to me before you go any further?
Post Number: 7

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Posted on: Nov. 22 2005,07:05 |
Hi again Eureke :-)
Thanks again for your patience and your help. As you asked - i'll explain from the start... I've followed the EZBoot guide called "N in 1" to try and make a multi disc with 4 windows insatllation on it: Win XP, 2000 Pro, 2000 Server and 2003 Server - That's my final "Goal". In the begining i had some troubles with all of the windows installations but you have solve the one with the XP. So, now i have a disc (DVD) with good XP installation but the 2000 Pro/2000 Server/2003 Server are not working and i get "missing files" messeges right from the begining of the copying files process (the first blue screens of the win. installations). Regards your questions - so the answer is like this: Again, I've followed the "N in 1" guide and it says there to copy the I386 folder to "en2k" and to run the w2k.bat in there. That's what i did for the 2000 pro/server and the 2003 server. Just to make sure i'm being understood - in my DVD there are 4 win folder: xpen, en2k (for 2000 pro), sr2k (for 2000 server) and 2k3s (for the 2003 server). In each one there's the original I386 folders exact as they are on the CD and more files that were created by the bat files (each one on every win folder as mention above). In the root directory (or should i say in the disk1 folder on the eazyboot folder) there are the "WIN-XXX" files that are mentioned also in the guide. I've also copied them to the I386 folder like in the solution you gave me in the XP but that's also didn't help ... It's really strange because it's should be more or less like the XP but it's not.
Your proffesional help and thanks again for your patience !
Post Number: 8

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Posted on: Nov. 22 2005,09:44 |
By the way...
I've tried now to burn another copy and still in the win 2000 (both pro and server) i'm getting the missing files error messeges at the blue screen of the installation, and in the 2003 server it even doesn't starting the copying files process but givving me a messege: "CDBOOT: couldn't find ntldr".
Waiting for your help !
Post Number: 9
Posted on: Nov. 22 2005,11:27 |
To djavis
Working on it! Be patient :-)
In mean time, did you use “Gosh tutorial” to get boot-folder? Or did you just test once more time with EasyBoot guide?
Post Number: 10

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Posted on: Nov. 22 2005,13:24 |
Hi Eureka !
I've just tried again to use the EZ guide. Many Many Thanks for your help - again !
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