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PostIcon Posted on: Dec. 17 2005,01:19  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

As I had stated on another thread Im working on this Gui based Ghost Gui based on another ghost template floppy.

It wasnt easy at the beginning because it wasnt in eglish and I could not understand the menu option. I posted on another forum and a friend gave me a rought translation of the parts of the file that had the other language. He did a good job and from there I took off to improve it a bit more. So far so good.

Im trying to clean the gui a bit but I cant find where to edit it out.

Is there any way that I can delete the part that says:
"Microsoft Windows 98 CD ROM"

I want to keep the part that says:
"Startup Menu"

I want to take off the part that says:
"Starting Windows 98..."

Edited by deity on Dec. 18 2005,17:52
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PostIcon Posted on: Dec. 17 2005,01:53 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Here is how the original looks like
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PostIcon Posted on: Dec. 17 2005,02:04 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

This is a drafted translation of it. Im still working on it.

Edited by deity on Dec. 17 2005,02:12
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PostIcon Posted on: Dec. 17 2005,02:16 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

When you click on the OK button on the "Copy disk image from CD-Rom to Harddisk !!!" it runs the following command: It works but I dont really know whats its doing

Code Sample

echo Loading...
rem without -rb switch! -quiet
ghost.exe -batch -sure -afile=NUL -clone,mode=pload,src=%gfile%:1,dst=1:1
rem ,szeL
if errorlevel 1 goto _abort
/np /n3 > nul
call w.bat box @GCDROM.BAT:scx_1

Is this ok or does it need a change.

Edited by deity on Dec. 17 2005,02:18
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 Post Number: 5

PostIcon Posted on: Dec. 17 2005,05:19 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

To deity

The point is to use EasyBoot. This is “old stuff” used before we could use this excellent program “EasyBoot”.

Anyway….This command loads image from %gfile% to first (dst=1:1) partition (pload) without asking (sure). It doesn’t reboot computer when finished with cloning.
ghost.exe -batch -sure -afile=NUL -clone,mode=pload,src=%gfile%:1,dst=1:1

This command (from eureka) loads image (system.gho) from CD/DVD-unit (X:) to [C:] (overwrites everything on [C:]) without asking and then reboots computer automatically.
ghost.exe -clone,mode=load,src=X:\system.gho,dst=1:1 -fx -sure –rb
Topic here:;t=382

You need to read more about switches in “batch-mode” according to ghost.
Download pdf-document from here:

Using computer with SATA-harddisk? Then you need to use switches like this one: GHOST.EXE –NOIDE
Read more here:

About issue how to get rid of unwanted text…. You need to hexedit that stuff. But as I pointed out: Why using “old solutions” when you have EasyBoot (starting different images with different autoexec.bat >> starting different switches in ghost)?


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PostIcon Posted on: Dec. 18 2005,03:49 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


Topic here:;t=382

This thread you mention is where I found the Ghost gui template and saw some of the switches things posted. That got my curiosity going and wanted to understand how it was done. One thing that held me back was understanding the other languge being used.

I have a small understanding about DOS commands. I always wanted to learn more. I have learned much about DOS command because you have taken the time to explain what some of the lines of DOS code does.  In normal english language and not in techno babble like some DOS sites do. You present relevent examples that are very helpfull. They present some but leave you somethings scratching you head.  

You happen to have somewhere where I can get these autoexec.bat files. I would like to add more options.
I tried reading thru that pdf file and read thru the switches. I dont understand all of it but I now have a little better understanding of what some of the switches that you posted do. I dont know or have much experience in using switches. Thats why Im messing with old stuff as you said so that I can better understand it.

I understand that Easyboot can do the different autoexec running, but I find the other floppy image very interesting to mess with also. It has tought me somethings about DOS and how things are being run.

Using computer with SATA-harddisk? Then you need to use switches like this one: GHOST.EXE –NOIDE
Read more here:

Thats interesting reading. Thanks for the link. I dont have a SATA drive but this is good just incase I run into it in the future.


About issue how to get rid of unwanted text…. You need to hexedit that stuff

Thanks! That pointed me to the right direction. I found this HexEdit v1.03 program that works on editing what I needed. I found the text was in the "JO.SYS" file. One thing during my testing is that you shouldnt try too add more text than there is. The free HexEditor site is " "

What I did was from the begining of "Microsoft Windows 98 CD ROM" I replaced it with "Start Menu -" and then to fill in the rest of the letters I used the spacebar till the end of the "u" in "Menu". There was a v at the end but I left that one alone.

So now I have this.

I cant seem to find where this "Starting Windwos 98 ..."
is coming from.

Edited by deity on Dec. 18 2005,03:57
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 Post Number: 7

PostIcon Posted on: Dec. 18 2005,10:42 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

To deity

I do agree that it is a nice template you found.
Quote: “I have a small understanding about DOS commands. I always wanted to learn more.” You are not alone – I’m still learning…
“You present relevant examples that are very helpful.” THANK YOU!

Some examples according to switches and “cloning” (-clone) using GHOST…

Example A (To Image). Computer with two separate harddisk-units.
This switch creates (dump) a complete image of harddisk [C:] and save image as “mysystem.gho” to harddisk [D:] without asking (-sure). Computer reboots (–rb) when finished with creating image. Note: Compression level two (-z2) is used (normal compression=not that slow?).

Ghost.exe -clone,mode=dump,src=1:1,dst=d:\ mysystem.gho -z2 -fx -sure –rb

Example B (from Image). Computer with two separate harddisk-units.
This switch overwrites harddisk [C:] with image named “mysystem.gho”. Harddisk [D:] is used as source (D:\). Computer doesn’t ask you (-sure) to continue process. When finished computer reboots (–rb).

ghost.exe -clone,mode=load,src=D:\ mysystem.gho,dst=1:1 -fx -sure –rb

Example C (To image) Computer with only ONE PHYSICAL harddisk, but split into two partitions ([C:] and [D:]). This switch creates (pdump) a complete image of partition one ([C:]-partition) on physical harddisk number one, and save image as “mysystem.gho” to partition two ([D:]-partition) on same physical harddisk without asking (-sure). Computer reboots (–rb) when finished with creating image. Note: Compression level two (-z2) is used (normal compression=not that slow?).

Ghost.exe -clone,mode=pdump,src=1:1,dst=D:\ mysystem.gho -z2 -fx -sure -rb

Example D (from image) Computer with only ONE PHYSICAL harddisk, but split into two partitions ([C:] and [D:]). This switch overwrites partition one [C:] with image named “mysystem.gho”. Partition two [D:] is used as source (D:\). Computer doesn’t ask you to continue process. When finished computer reboots.

Ghost.exe -sure -or -rb -clone,mode=pload,src=D:\ mysystem.gho:1,dst=1:1


The only thing you need to change in this “ghost-images” used in easyboot, is autoexec.bat. You even don’t need mouse support as you use “switch-mode” in ghost.
I do think you are ready to experiment with “switch-mode” in ghost. Of course you may need/use some old (spare) computer (I do!) to not “screw it up” (loosing files and folders on original computer).

Regards eureka

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PostIcon Posted on: Dec. 18 2005,18:58 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Haha! Finally found the bugger:
Starting Windows 98...

Changed it to
Processing ...

It was in the IO.SYS file
I used hexedit to open it
Then I used the find option in hexedit to find it.
I did a copy paste of the term "Starting Windows 98" to find it.
Then I had to type letter for letter and spaces to get it the way I wanted it.
I couldnt find it the first time, because I guess I typed it wrong.
Found other threads that said it was there and sure enought it was.

- Remember that the label "Starting Windows 98..." is  22 characters long
- Replace with either 1 thru 22 characters.
- For gaps you can use spaces (Spacebar)

So now I have it like this:



The only thing you need to change in this “ghost-images” used in easyboot, is autoexec.bat. You even don’t need mouse support as you use “switch-mode” in ghost.
I do think you are ready to experiment with “switch-mode” in ghost. Of course you may need/use some old (spare) computer (I do!) to not “screw it up” (loosing files and folders on original computer).

Thanks for the Other examples I will try to implement them into the menu.

Edited by deity on Dec. 19 2005,14:07
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 Post Number: 9
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PostIcon Posted on: Dec. 19 2005,20:06 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Do you know how to make and image and specify the size and name with automatic number incrimentation.
For example specify to start with mysystem01.gho and keep adding a subsequent number to it untill its done. Or something similar



Edited by deity on Dec. 19 2005,20:06
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 Post Number: 10

PostIcon Posted on: Dec. 20 2005,02:11 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

To deity

Quote 1: ”specify the size” is possible. Please read pdf-document “Norton Ghost command-lines switches”.
Download PDF-document here:

Quote 2: “automatic number incrimentation”. Tricky stuff. But “spanning” of several files across volumes is possible in ghost. Please read switches in pdf-document.

It seems that if I put Quote one and two together, I get something similar to what you are asking for?

Regards eureka

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