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Topic: Acronis multi boot< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
 Post Number: 1
amk316 Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Dec. 27 2005,06:06  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Hello …
I hop you can help me…
I have
True Image 9.iso
Disk Direcotr 10.iso
And I want to make theme boot form one CD. Is it possible?

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 Post Number: 2

PostIcon Posted on: Dec. 28 2005,03:07 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

To amk316

To get acronis utilities to run, please read this topic:;st=20
Original post here:;t=473

This should get hirens to run: Open “Hiren´s BootCD.iso” (use winrar or UltraIso or similar) and save folder “bootcd” to EasyBoot\disk1
Again open  Hiren´s BootCD.iso  now using WinIso or similar program (UltraIso?).
Save boot-information as  hirens.wbt (or hiren.bif if using UltraIso) to EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot and use command: run hirens.wbt (or hiren.bif).

Attention! As option, delete jo.sys (not io.sys) in hirens.wbt (hiren.bif) image to start hiren bootCD without delay.

Tested on Microsoft Virtual PC and in “reality” (CD/RW). Original post here:;t=902

I don’t now about “cd030426.iso”. It’s tricky to start isolinux. Hope somebody else can help you with this step?


 Post Number: 3
sib Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Jan. 23 2006,00:25 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Quote (amk316 @ Dec. 27 2005,11:06)
Hello …
I hop you can help me…
I have
True Image 9.iso
Disk Direcotr 10.iso
And I want to make theme boot form one CD. Is it possible?



I am trying to achieve the same thing as amk316, that is making a multiboot cd of my favorite programs and haven't succeeded yet after reading so many posts here and elsewhere. I want help from you guys to make this work and don't wanna back down after spending quite a time on this. Here is a step by step procedure so it's easy for you to understand what I am doing wrong.

I have bootable cds of these programs

Acronis True Image (ATI) V 9.0.2337
Acronis Disk Director Suite (ADD) V 9.0.2337

and here are the software which I have used for making my multiboot cd

Virtual Floppy Driver for Windows (VFD) V 2.1
for making floppies and images of ATI & ADD

WinImage (WIMG) V 8.0.8000
for injecting separate floppy images into one big image each of ATI and ADD

EasyBoot (EB) V
for making multiboot cd


1. Started VFD and installed and started driver with auto type applied. Created DriveO and gave it letter "Y" selecting RAM as disk type and 2.88 MB floppy as media type. Here is what you will see "Drive 0: A virtual floppy image is opened."
2. Started media builder of ATI and started creating floppies. When it said put second floppy, switched to VFD and saved the first floppy giving target file name. Closed first floppy and opened and created new one for making second floppy. This way made all four floppies of ATI.
3. The same procedure was repeated for ADD as well and created four floppies.
4. Started EB & VFD. Repeated step 1 for opening virtual floppy. In EB, choosed Tools--make floppy image. Selected floppy drive and output filename for floppy image of first floppy of ATI. Made four images of four floppies.
5. Repeated step 4 for ADD.
6. In EB, choosed Tools--create new floppy image. Selected image size of 12000 (equivalent to capacity of four floppies) and selected first floppy image of ATI from step 4 as seed image. Gave output file name and made 12MB oversized floppy image.
7. Repeated step 6 for ADD.
8. Started WIMG. Opened 12MB image of ATI and injected all four images of ATI into it. (Here I want to know from you if all images have been saved to 12MB image when I exit WIMG. They do show up when I open 12MB image but WIMG never asked to save it when I injected all four images).
9. Repeated step 8 for ADD.
10. Started EB. Placed 12MB image file of ATI in "\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot" giving command as "run ati.img".
11. Repeated step 10 for ADD.
12. Made ISO of this multiboot cd while choosing default CD file dir and boot image as "\EasyBoot\disk1" & "\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\loader.bin" respectively.
13. Burnt this to CD.

Here is what I encounter when I start this multiboot CD. "Non-system disk, press any key...".

Since I am not a techie and have tried everything by putting files here and there and tinkering with different settings, so I believe it is appropriate to let experts guide me. Will you guys help, please.
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 Post Number: 4
TomSilver Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Jan. 23 2006,06:21 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

You should just make .img files of your floppies, put them in \EasyBoot\disk1, make a menu with easyboot in \EasyBoot\disk1\EZBoot with run xxx.iso as menu command.
Then let EB create the iso.
I think that should do it...

EDIT: Oops, I think I misread the previous post... Don't mind this one...

Edited by TomSilver on Jan. 23 2006,06:22
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 Post Number: 5
sib Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Jan. 24 2006,01:10 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

Quote (Guest @ Dec. 28 2005,08:07)
To amk316

To get acronis utilities to run, please read this topic:;st=20
Original post here:;t=473

This should get hirens to run: Open “Hiren´s BootCD.iso” (use winrar or UltraIso or similar) and save folder “bootcd” to EasyBoot\disk1
Again open  Hiren´s BootCD.iso  now using WinIso or similar program (UltraIso?).
Save boot-information as  hirens.wbt (or hiren.bif if using UltraIso) to EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot and use command: run hirens.wbt (or hiren.bif).

Attention! As option, delete jo.sys (not io.sys) in hirens.wbt (hiren.bif) image to start hiren bootCD without delay.

Tested on Microsoft Virtual PC and in “reality” (CD/RW). Original post here:;t=902

I don’t now about “cd030426.iso”. It’s tricky to start isolinux. Hope somebody else can help you with this step?



The procedure described by me in above post did not yield the desired result and it was awfully long too. But I succeeded in making multiboot cd of ATI and ADD when I used eureka's method mentioned in this thread. But don't pay any heed to links posted there. I bet, it could confuse you.

Here is what I did:

1. The boot cds were created by media builders of ATI & ADD.

2. Made ISOs from these CDs using WinISO.

3. Opened these ISOs in WinISO and from menu "Bootable CD--save boot information to file" saved .wbt files of ATI & ADD. I can't say for sure if getting .wbt files directly from CDs will yield the same result because I haven't checked it myself yet. But I am sure it would, and thus step 2 seems unnecessary.

4. used "bootinfotable;run ati.wbt" and "bootinfotable;run add.wbt" in menus of easyboot. (without the quotes)

That's it. No need to make floppy images and so on. Many thanks to eureka.

I hope the moderators of this forum will unpin those topics on the main page of this forum relating to acronis which don't  help much. Even acronis link on the main page of easyboot site leads one to confusion. I hope they pin this topic instead because it works and the topic & material very much relates to each other.

Edited by sib on Jan. 24 2006,01:11
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