I am trying to make a 2 in 1 bootable CD. I want to put Win2K server and Advanced Server both on it. I have found directions for 2 in 1 CDs, but they are for 98/xp, or two different OS'. I am wondering if anyone has any modified instructions for putting two Windows 2K servers on the same CD. Thanks!
Step 1. Create a new folder named WS2K in EasyBoot\disk1 Step 2. Copy i386 folder to EasyBoot\disk1\WS2K Step 3. Open txtsetup.sif in i386 folder and search for setupsourcepath. Change this from “\” to “\WS2K\” Step 4. Copy w2k.bat from EasyBoot\resource to EasyBoot\disk1\WS2K and run it there Step 5. Have a copy in EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot of w2ksect.bin and rename it to wserv2k.bin Step 6. Start EasyBoot >> Tools >> “Replace Text”. In “File” find Setupldr.bin in WS2K. In “Text to find” you insert i386, and in “Replace with” you insert WS2K (note: Uppercase=capital letters). Push replace. Step 7. Again use EasyBoot >>Tools >> “Replace Text”. In “File” find wserv2k.bin in EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot-folder. In “Text to find” you insert I386 and in “Replace with” you insert WS2K (note: Uppercase=capital letters). Push replace.
You now have space for one original folder named i386. Use this for Advanced Server. You don’t need to do anything with this one.  Only copy folder i386 and necessary ident-files to EasayBoot\disk1. To start Advanced Server, you only need a new copy of w2ksect.bin (rename it to something like; advserv.bin and place it in EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot). Use run command as usual; run advserv.bin
Final note: It’s okay to use ident-files with same name to different system-folders.