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Topic: two copies of Win2000 on a multiBoot CD?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
 Post Number: 1
simont Search for posts by this member.


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Joined: Apr. 2006
PostIcon Posted on: Apr. 12 2006,18:22  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Hello Everyone,

I have being using EasyBoot with fair success to date, creating simple multi boot CDs to run programs on my windows based computers.

I would like to start a new project that involves creating a multiboot CD with two versions of Windows 2000 Pro.  

I would like to run a proprietary DELL Win2000 Pro SP4 (only runs on DELL computers) along with a standard (OEM) Win2000 Pro from the same multiboot CD.

The tutorials, suggests copying the directory "i386" from Windows 2000 CD to \EasyBoot\disk1.  However, since both windows 2000 CD’s have this common directory, how should can this be done?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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 Post Number: 2

PostIcon Posted on: Apr. 13 2006,03:24 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

To simont

Tutorial for Win2000Pro
Note: run slipstream to sp4 to i386-folder before you go ahead with next step.

Step 1. Create a new folder named 2PRO in EasyBoot\disk1
Step 2. Copy i386 folder to EasyBoot\disk1\2PRO
Step 3. Open txtsetup.sif in EasyBoot\disk1\2PRO\i386 folder and search for setupsourcepath. Change this from “\” to “\2PRO\”
Step 4. Copy w2k.bat from EasyBoot\resource to EasyBoot\disk1\2PRO and run it there
Step 5. Have a copy in EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot of w2ksect.bin and rename it to 2PRO.bin
Step 6. Start EasyBoot >> Tools >> “Replace Text”. In “File” find Setupldr.bin in 2PRO. In “Text to find” you insert i386, and in “Replace with” you insert 2PRO (note: Uppercase=capital letters). Push replace.
Step 7. Again use EasyBoot >>Tools >> “Replace Text”. In “File” find 2PRO.bin in EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot-folder. In “Text to find” you insert I386 and in “Replace with” you insert 2PRO (note: Uppercase=capital letters). Push replace.

Use run command as usual; run 2PRO.bin

Don’t forget ident files. Read here:;f=1;t=1188
As a bonus you get a tutorial how to solve problems with ERD 2005 and bartpe as well.
Note1: if slipstreamed with servicepack-4 you need new separate ident-files.
Note2: If using unattended, copy winnt.sif to EasyBoot\disk1\2PRO

You now have space for one original folder named i386. Use this for 2000OEM. You don’t need to do anything with this one.  Only copy folder i386 and necessary ident-files to EasayBoot\disk1.
To start 2000OEM, you only need a new copy of w2ksect.bin (rename it to something like; 2000OEM.bin and place it in EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot). Use run command as usual; run 2000OEM.bin

Final note: It’s okay to use ident-files with same name to different system-folders.


 Post Number: 3

PostIcon Posted on: Apr. 14 2006,18:58 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

eureka! you are the man!

Thanks for the excellent guide. Several hrs later into the night, I was amazed that  "it" worked!  

As additional resources, I used a guide by Daniel Petri for "Windows 2000/XP SP Slipstreaming"

Again, thanks and keep up the good work.

 Post Number: 4

PostIcon Posted on: Apr. 15 2006,03:29 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

To Simont!

Thanks for nice feedback!

Yes you are right, this is another nice guide how to fix slipstream of different service packs.

Regards eureka

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