Post Number: 1

Group: Members
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Posted on: Apr. 28 2006,15:43 |
I've noticed that replies to these types of posts have either been un-informative and just link back to older posts that don't give any sort of "how-to" steps. please be specific if you could.
I have 2 rescue disks for pm8 and have managed to get them both into 1 .img file. i added a menu in easyboot labeled partition magic with the code- run pm8.img i had read somewhere to REM out some lines in the disk 1 autoexec.bat below. IF EXIST AUTOEXE2.BAT CALL AUTOEXE2.BAT
REM ECHO. REM ECHO Please Insert PartitionMagic Disk 2 REM ECHO.REM REM ECHO. REM ECHO *** Press Any Key to Continue *** REM ECHO. REM PAUSE >NUL
when i get to my menu screen of easyboot and choose the partition magic menu item, i receive the error, cannot load dos. anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Post Number: 2
Posted on: Apr. 28 2006,16:46 |
To immortal_creations
You need to edit autoexec.bat. Use one of the created floppy disks and use right mouse button and choose to edit autoexec.bat on this floppy (it doesn’t matter witch floppy you use, it’s the same autoexec.bat on both floppy). Edit autoexec.bat to look like this (delete other text):
(copy text above and use this in autoexec.bat)
Save autoexec.bat-file and inject it to your earlier created image (pm8.img) using UltraIso or winimage. Attention: Delete Autoexe2.bat in pm8.img Finally, save image.
When creating ISO-file in EasyBoot, only activate “Optimize”.
Note: Be sure that floppy one was used to create necessary “seed image” when you in next step created this oversized pm8.img image.
Post Number: 3

Group: Members
Posts: 9
Joined: Apr. 2006
Posted on: Apr. 30 2006,11:01 |
Thanks for your reply. I will try to do as you said on monday morning. I will reply back after I run a test on it.
Thanks again
Post Number: 4
Posted on: Apr. 30 2006,11:59 |
To immortal_creations
Please don’t forget hidden files on floppy (when you inject from floppy to ”oversized” pm8.img image). Don’t ask me how many times I have forgot this=Troubles Bee sure to have “show hidden files and folders” checked to avoid this problem.
Examples of hidden files on pqmagic floppy disks are:
Command.com Ibmbio.com Ibmdos.com Pqpb.rtc
As option: Insert reboot.com from >>EasyBoot/resource>> Â to pm8.img and make changes to autoexec.bat in pm8.img. Autoexec.bat should now have this text:
mouse PQMAGIC reboot
When exit pqmagic computer automatically runs a “warm reboot”. It’s necessary to do this in case you have made changes to any harddisk.
Regards eureka
Post Number: 5

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Posted on: May 01 2006,11:10 |
Final Verdict on Adding Partition Magic 8.0 to your custom boot cd.
Here's how I got it to work step by step
1. Create the 2 restore floppies from PM8
2. Insert disk 1 of your pm8 restore disks into your pc and go to "My Computer" and open A: Delete autoexec2.bat. Rght Click on autoexec.bat and delete everything. Copy the below text and past it into your autoexec.bat file and save it.
3. Create an Image file (.img) from the 2 floppies. I used winimage to do this portion. Open winimage. Choose Disk. Choose  "Use floppy A" Choose Disk again and select Read disk.  This will read the contents of disk 1 in your floppy drive and add it to winimage. Once this is complete remove disk 1 from your drive and insert disk 2. Go to My computer and double click on A: to view the contents of the second disk. Press "Control" "A " to select all the files on the floppy. After all files are selected hold the "Control key" down and unselect autoexec.bat and command.com. Drag and drop the remaining 8 files into the winimage window and choose "yes" to inject the 8 files. Choose "File" "Save As". Navigate to the EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot directory. Don't worry if there are no files showing. In the File Name box, type pm8.img (don't worry about 'save as type' box as it is not necessary since we are saving the file as a different extension than the program allows. Select "Save" and close out of Winimage. Navigate back to easyboot\disk1\ezboot and double click on pm8.img file (or open with winimage directly).  when winimage opens up, make sure all the files are there and close out winimage.
4. Open your easyboot program and open your custom boot cd file. Change your menu for partition magic to read like below. run pm8.img
5. Create ISO file and burn to CD.
I had some issues with the winimage program as it wasn't actually saving any files I put in it. Â Not sure if it's a winimage issue, or just something I was doing wrong. Â You will not have to use "Tools" 'Create New Floppy Image' under the easyboot menu to create the .img file as you have already saved it as it is needed.
You can add the reboot.com file into your .img file if you can find it on this site (as i could not). Â inject command.com to your img file, change autoexec.bat to read
mouse PQMAGIC reboot
Hopefully this has fixed the issue with adding partition magic to a boot disk. Â Hope I was clear enough on the instructions.
Thanks again to eureka who also aided in this process.
Post Number: 6
Posted on: May 01 2006,11:21 |
To immortal_creations
Quote: You can add the reboot.com file into your .img file if you can find it on this site (as i could not).
Open EasyBoot folder on your harddisk. Here you find following folders:
disk1 iso lang resource  (in her you find reboot.com and some more resources)
Anyway, nice tutorial you wrote…
Regards eureka
Post Number: 7
El Jefe 

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Posted on: May 03 2006,13:39 |
There's one addition to step 3 that needs to be added after reading the disk:
Select Image | Change format... then click the radio button next to 2.88 MB
Great tutorial!