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Topic: How to make Multi bootable DVD??< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
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PostIcon Posted on: May 07 2006,07:39  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Hey Guys,

I'm stuck, I appreciate your help.  Could anyone plz help me with how to make a bootable multi OS DVD? I wanna burn Win 98, Win XP home and Pro on one DVD. I did a lot of research and none of those procedures worked.  The online help of Easyboot did not seem to work either.plz help me out from scratch.  

Thanks  :)

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 Post Number: 2
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PostIcon Posted on: May 07 2006,20:00 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

I have to ask, "What did NOT work?"

Easier to work from that angle as the the instructions from previous posts do work.
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 Post Number: 3
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PostIcon Posted on: May 08 2006,00:44 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Hey Mate, Thanks a millon for replying.

After hours of work I've managed to create Win98 and WinXp PRO ISO file. The file image size was 1.2 GB so I burned it to DVD 4.7 GB. I used " Windows 98 and Windows NT/2000/XP 2 in 1 bootable CD"  instructions in Easyboot help. I dont know why it says 2 in 1 bootable "CD"  when it will never fit in a 700MB "CD"  :angry:

I want to make 3 in 1 DVD.  Win 98, Win Xp home and Win Xp pro,  thats right. I dont like Win 2000 and I dont have one. Could u help me creating 3 in 1 DVD  "Win98 , Xp home and Pro".  I'll appreciate step by step instructions as I'm just a beginner.    ???

Thanks in advance.  :)
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PostIcon Posted on: May 08 2006,12:18 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Awright, me ol' China!

Here ya' go in a nutshell:

All you'll have to do is create two separate folders for each version of XP (i.e. XPHM and XPRO).  

Follow the steps and you'll be golden, pony-boy.
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 Post Number: 5
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PostIcon Posted on: May 09 2006,09:52 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Hey Jefe  Thanks for ur reply.  I tried ur method and created 3 in 1 DVD ( 900Mb) but it did not work,  then I tried the ezboot help and followed the instructions step by step CAREFULLY but this is what I get:

The windows 98 worked fine  but for windows 2000 pro I got this error message " ndtlr could not be found"  I see a lot of people getting the same message for Windows 2000 pro/server.      AND for Windows Xp pro I got this message "could not find the license, setup cannot continue".    :(

Am I missing something?  PLEASE HELP  :(
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 Post Number: 6
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PostIcon Posted on: May 09 2006,11:11 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

What EXACTLY are you trying to  load?
Your previous post said XP Pro, XP Home and 98.  This last one deals with Win2K, XP Pro and 98.  Hard to help if the goal posts keep moving.
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 Post Number: 7

PostIcon Posted on: May 09 2006,11:24 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

To uncanny

Quote: ”I tried the ezboot help and followed the instructions step by step CAREFULLY”

Please, make sure you use caps (uppercase) when hexedit (using EasyBoot>>Tools>>Replace text…). You have to use caps to every bin-file (w2ksect.bin and setupldr.bin) you are hexedit. Something went wrong during hexedit process if you get this: “ndtlr could not be found”.

This message: "could not find the license, setup cannot continue" is typical for miss-match in “setupsourcepath” (you haven’t made, or forgot, necessary changes in txtsetup.sif).

Follow up with reading here about “primary root” and “second root”:;f=1;t=1188

Regards eureka

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PostIcon Posted on: May 09 2006,15:33 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

Hey fellas,   sorry, before I was creating 98. xp pro and xp home but now that I got windows 2000 pro, I was like lets give it a try.

Here's exactly what happened.   I used ezboot help to create 3 in 1 DVD.    

When I was following the instructions for w2k, on step 6

****step 6 to 'c:\easyboot\disk1\en2k\setupldr.bin', and replace 'i386' to 'en2k', 4 occurences should be replaced***

in my case, instead of 4 occurences ONLY 3 were replaced. I'm using ezboot to edit the setupldr.bin file.
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 Post Number: 9
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PostIcon Posted on: May 09 2006,15:39 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


Here's how I create mine.  Add/remove/modify as you see fit.

HUGE HAT TIP to Eureka and Xoben!!!

Items you’ll need:

Easy Boot software
Ultra ISO software
Winimage software
HEX Editing software
CD/DVD burning software
XP Pro w/SP2 slipstreamed CD or ISO image
Windows 2003 w/SP1 slipstreamed CD or ISO image
ERD Commander 2005 CD or ISO image
Barts PE 3.1.10a CD or ISO image
Petter Nordahl CD060213.ISO
HiRen DOS ISO image
Partition Magic 8 diskettes (2)
Boot and Nuke diskette
Universal TCP/IP Network Bootdisk for M$ Networks
Ghost 8.3 DOS executable (ghost.exe)

Part I – Install Software

Install Easy Boot, Ultra ISO, Winimage, Hex Editing and CD/DVD burning software to local hard drive.  Load license files as needed.  

Part II – Creating .IMG images

1. Boot and Nuke
a. Run dban-1.0.6_i386.exe to create the diskette
b. Run Winimage and select Disk | Read Disk
c. Select File | Save as… and type in C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\bootandnuke.img and click Save

2. Partition Magic 8
a. Select Disk | Read disk. Once this is complete remove disk 1 from your drive and insert disk 2.
b. Open Explorer and on A: to view the contents of the second disk
c. Press "Control" + "A " to select all the files on the floppy
d.      Select Image | Change format...  then click the radio button next to 2.88 MB
e. After all files are selected hold the "Control key" down and unselect autoexec.bat and
f. Drag and drop the remaining 8 files into the winimage window and choose "yes" to inject the 8 files
g. Select File | Save as… and type in C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\pm8.img and click Save

3. Universal TCP/IP Boot Disk (Ghost 8.3 Net Boot)
a. After downloading and creating the diskette, open Explorer
b. Locate and copy MSCDEX.EXE, HIMEM.SYS and OAKCDROM.SYS to A:\Files
c. Open A:\CONFIG.SYS and remove the ‘REM’ before the ‘device=HIMEM.SYS’ and add the following at the bottom of the file:

DEVICE = oakcdrom.sys /D:cd1

Save the file

d. Open the A:\AUTOEXEC.BAT file and add ‘REM’ before ‘set CDdrive=R’
e. Add the following before ‘REM *** continue in …’ line:

LH \MSCDEX.EXE /D:cd1 /D:cd2 /D:cd3 /L:G
echo ** CD/DVD drive letter is G: **

Save the file

f. Open the A:\MENUPREF.BAT and modify it so it looks like the following:

@echo off
REM The Menu Program reads/writes to this file
REM *** Do not change the order of the commands in this batch file. (Or the Position of the equal signs!) ***
rem NETCARD=EL3c574
Set USERNAME=Administrator
Set IPADDRESS0=192 168 100 101
Set SUBNETMASK0=255 255 255 0
Set DEFAULTGATEWAY0=192 168 100 1
Set LOGONSCRIPT=logon.bat
rem TIMEOUT=20
Set DNS=
Set NTFS=0
Set CD=0
Set UDMA=0

Save the file

g. Browse to A:\Files\FileCopy, open LOGON.BAT and replace all text with:

@echo off
echo ************************************************
echo ** The GHOST executable will now be copied to **
echo ** the N: drive.  Run GHOST.EXE at the prompt **
echo ************************************************
copy G:\ghost.exe N:

Save the file

h. Run Winimage and select Disk | Read Disk
i. Select File | Save as… and type in C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\GNB.img and click Save

4. Petter Nordahl
a. Open Ultra ISO and select File | Open and open the CD060213.ISO file
b. Press ‘F4’ and extract all files to C:\EasyBoot\disk1
c. Select Bootable | Save Boot File and save as C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\petter.bif

Part III – Setting up file structure

1. Make the following folders under C:\EasyBoot\disk1:
2. Copy the contents of the folder ‘i386’ from the XP Pro CD into ‘XPSP’
3. Copy the ‘ident’ files (WIN51*.*) file(s) from the XP Pro CD to ‘C:\EasyBoot\disk1’
4. Copy the contents of the folder ‘i386’ from the Bart PE CD into ‘BART’
5. Copy the folder ‘Programs’ from the Bart PE CD to ‘C:\EasyBoot\disk1’
6. Copy the folder ‘i386’ from the ERD 2005 CD to ‘C:\EasyBoot\disk1’
7. Copy the folder ‘Documents and Settings’ from the ERD 2005 CD to ‘C:\EasyBoot\disk1’
8. Copy the contents of the folder ‘i386’ from the 2003 Server CD into ‘W2K3’
9. Copy the ‘ident’ files (WIN51*.*) file(s) from the 2003 Server CD to ‘C:\EasyBoot\disk1’
10. Copy the ‘ident’ files (WIN51*.*) file(s) from the 2003 Server CD to ‘C:\EasyBoot\disk1\W2K3’
11. Make a duplicate copy of the file C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\w2ksect.bin.and rename it ‘xpsp.bin’
12. Make a duplicate copy of the file C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\w2ksect.bin.and rename it ‘w2k3.bin’
13. Make a duplicate copy of the file C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\w2ksect.bin.and rename it ‘bart.bin’
14. Make a duplicate copy of the file C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\w2ksect.bin.and rename it ‘erd2005.bin’
15. Copy hiren.iso to C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot

Your directory structure should have this as a minimum:
Documents and Settings\

Part IV – Modifying files

1. Windows 2003
a. Start your HEX editor and open ‘C:\EasyBoot\disk1\W2K3\SETUPLDR.BIN’
b. Go to the hex address 0x2060
c. Replace value 74 03 with EB 1A
d. Save the file
e. Start EasyBoot >> Tools >> Replace Text… >> Find file >> setupldr.bin in W2K3 folder
f. Replace ‘i386’ with ‘W2K3’ (no ‘ ‘ - 5 occurrences)
g. Replace ‘I386’ with ‘W2K3’ (no ‘ ‘ - 2 occurrences)
h. Open ‘C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\W2K3.BIN’ and replace ‘I386’ with ‘W2K3’ (no ‘ ‘ - 1 occurrence)
i. Open ‘C:\EasyBoot\disk1\W2K3\TXTSETUP.SIF’ in WordPad
j. Browse to ‘SetupSourcePath’ and replace ‘/’ with ‘/W2K3’ and save the file

2. XP Pro
a  Start EasyBoot >> Tools >> Replace Text… >> Find file >> xpsp.bin in ezboot folder
b. Replace ‘i386’ with ‘XPSP’
c. Tools >> Replace Text… >> Find file >> setupldr.bin in folder XPSP
d. Replace ‘i386’ with ‘XPSP’
e. Replace ‘I386’ with ‘XPSP’

3. Bart PE
a  Start EasyBoot >> Tools >> Replace Text… >> Find file >> bart.bin in ezboot folder
b. Replace ‘i386’ with ‘BART’
c. Tools >> Replace Text… >> Find file >> setupldr.bin in folder BART
d. Replace ‘i386’ with ‘BART’
e. Replace ‘I386’ with ‘BART’

Part V – Creating Boot Menu

The following are the Command lines that need to be run for each option:

Option - Command
Ghost 8.3 Net Boot - run gnb.img
Petter Nordahl - bootinfotable;run petter.bif
Bart's PE - run bart.bin
ERD 2005 - run erd2005.bin
XP Pro - run xpsp.bin
Server 2003 - run w2k3.bin
HiRen DOS - bcdw /ezboot/hiren.iso
Partition Magic 8 - run pm8.img
Boot and Nuke  run bootandnuke.img

Now just save it, Make ISO and burn it to DVD
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 Post Number: 10
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PostIcon Posted on: May 09 2006,15:44 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE

Partition Magic is wrong!

Should be:

2. Partition Magic 8
a. Insert disk 1 and from Winimage select Disk | Read disk. Once this is complete remove disk 1 from your drive and select Image | Change format...  then click the radio button next to 2.88 MB
b. Insert disk 2 and open Explorer and click on A: to view the contents of the second disk
c. Press "Control" + "A " to select all the files on the floppy
d. After all files are selected hold the "Control key" down and unselect autoexec.bat and
e. Drag and drop the remaining 8 files into the winimage window and choose "yes" to inject the 8 files
f. Select File | Save as… and type in C:\EasyBoot\disk1\ezboot\pm8.img and click Save
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