I have been messing around multinstallation Disks for a While.After having worked as an Crisis Assistant I found it very usefull with carrying one single disk with all the needed files.One friend of mine pointed me at this site direction and I was impressed by the Features of this little prog.My main objection is one..
I made extensive tests with the Demo Version combining it with CDshell.I have made an instalation DVD 5 That includes all Windows Versions since 98 to Server (4versions) along with the hotfixes and some software slipstreamed.I also implemented a Custom Version of XPE+BartpsPE and some DOS Tools.They all work Flawlessly as long as I use the Optimize Option since there are many similar files and it needs to decrease the size(Actual Size is 6.4GB)Then I decided to Try to move on to DL DVD by adding Software Installers(Any prog anyone might need on his windows).This is where the mess occured because randomly files were written in 2nd Layer currypting each setup and in 8 of the 10 burns the DVD did not Even Boot the Images in the Ezboot Folder...
So my suggestion lies in this specific weakness of file sorting.If there was a way to make the program know that layer1 is for Setupfiles only,while layer2 is only for the Secondary Files that will be read under Windows,that would make it totally DVD9 compatible and the undisputed winner on its field.