Topic: ISO contents into separate folder when using x.bif, Trying to Boot UBCD & FreeDos | < Next Oldest | Next Newest > |
Post Number: 1

Group: Members
Posts: 24
Joined: Sep. 2005
Posted on: Mar. 12 2007,17:20 |
I am trying to make a boot disk with UBCD (Ultimate Boot CD) & FreeDos. FreeDos is working fine when the contents of FreeDos.ISO file is extracted directly into disk1. Made FreeDos.bif file from FreeDos.ISO using UltraIso (Bootable – Save Boot File) and Easyboot command used - run FreeDos.bif.
I would like to put the files of ISO into separate folder under disk1.
Eg : disk1\FDOS disk1\UBCD
I had two more problems to solve. In Erd2005 Firefox doesn't run. It boot without any problem (used Easyboot - Replace Text, I386 with folder name & w2ksect.bin…method). ISO is created by Easyboot with Optimize checked, Dos (8.3) & Joliet unchecked. Tried to make ISO file of easyboot\disk1 using UltraIso (Boot file loaded – ezboot\loader.bin) as mentioned in another post, but it gives network error (Factory.exe - Failed to install network adapter, check WINBOM) & after that it restarts abnormally. ISO file created in these properties using UltraIso –
Optimize: checked Joliet: unchecked Max 221: checked Omit ISO9660 version number: checked.
Finally is there is any way to hide all the contents of boot cd and make it burn protected.
Went through a lot of posts. Can't find a solution for these problems. Please anyone help. (Special Thanks to Xoben, Eureka, Tattenbach & many other members for their superb posts.)
Post Number: 2

Group: Super Administrators
Posts: 2200
Joined: Nov. 2004
Posted on: Mar. 13 2007,19:54 |
1) Mostly, the .BIF file needs all files and folders located in the root directory of a bootable CD or DVD. If you want to use multiple folders, the .BIF file MUST be changed (hacked). No general guides for this issue is available.
2) For the problem with ERD2005, please uncheck 'Optimize' and try again.
3) UltraISO supports 'Advanced hidden' feature, please give it a try
Post Number: 3

Group: Members
Posts: 24
Joined: Sep. 2005
Posted on: Mar. 15 2007,06:13 |
Thanks for the quick reply..
1. It is unfortunate that there is no guide for bif file modification... Not an experienced user, so not able to go further. Same problems with Paragon Rescue Kit 4.0, had seen some guide but not easy to follow that because it is bit advanced.
2. When 'Optimize' is unchecked & ISO created in Easyboot same result is coming - in Erd2005 Firefox is not working. When we click Firefox mouse changes to waiting mode and nothing happens. If it is clicked again it shows following error message: ....... The launch process appears to have exited abnormally which can occur if too many applications are run simultaneously. Try closing some applications and restart the application. .......
But I tried to open only Firefox.
Then ISO file is created with Ultraiso with optimized unchecked but it hangs the menu. Now nothing is working. So it is better to go with Easyboot ISO creation with Optimize checked.
3. Hiding is working well in Ultraiso. But if that ISO file can't be used to boot, then it is not useful. 
What should be done from here to solve these? Hope some experienced one will make some solution.
Thanks once more..
Edited by gold on Mar. 15 2007,06:16
Post Number: 4

Group: Members
Posts: 24
Joined: Sep. 2005
Posted on: Mar. 15 2007,10:25 |
Found a way to run FireFox with Erd2005. 
All other functions of Erd2005 are working fine & also FireFox is working. Erd2005 must be added in this way already.;f=1;t=1286 (Thanks to Eureka)
Search it in the page: ERD Commander (please, note: ERD Commander version-2005).
1. Created ISO file of disk1 with Easyboot by these Options. (Eg: Boot.iso)
Optimize: checked Dos (8.3): unchecked Joliet: unchecked
2. Open ISO file created above (Boot.iso) with Ultraiso:
Open ‘File’ > ‘Properties’. Set it in this way.
Optimize: checked
Joliet: unchecked UDF: unchecked RockRidge: unchecked AppleHFS: unchecked Max 221: checked
Allow lower case: checked DOS charset: unchecked Omit ISO9660 version number: checked.
3. Again in Ultraiso:
Open ‘Options’ > ‘Configurations...’ > ‘Save’
Recompile ISO when Saving Directly: unchecked Enable Super Restore: checked Create File Checksums on Save: unchecked Generate Checksum of ISO Image: unchecked Adjust Media type of ISO if needed: unchecked
In ‘General’
Add Joliet Volume as Needed: unchecked
4. Open this Folder in Ultraiso of Boot.iso: ERD5\SYSTEM32\
5. Delete ‘FIREFOX’ & ‘FIREFOXPROFILE’ under SYSTEM32 Folder.
6. In Ultraiso ‘Actions’ > ‘Add Directory’
Open x:\Program Files\EasyBoot\disk1\ERD5\system32\ Select ‘FireFox’ & Click ‘Ok’
Open x:\Program Files\EasyBoot\disk1\ERD5\system32\ Select ‘FireFoxProfile’ & Click ‘Ok’
Ultraiso won’t Recompile the ISO fully. It will take less time because it only changes the part we changed. There won’t be any case conversion for ‘FireFox’ & ‘FireFoxProfile’ Folders. It won’t be converted into uppercase. This will allow FireFox to run properly. All other folders will be in uppercase.
Test the ISO file & run FireFox. It will work fine.
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