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Topic: the resized floppy image is empty, 6 floppy-disks on bootable CD< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
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skyteddy Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Jun. 30 2007,07:47  Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE


I want to create one bootable CD from 6 Windows XP Boot-Disks. I read a lot of threads and I try many things, but nothing works. :-(

The 6 XP-floppys works. If I boot the first one, then I will be asked for the second, for the third ... until the recovery console is running.
So I'm sure the floppys are working. :-)

What I have done, try 1:

- First I create the diskette-image from the first floppy and save it as diskette1.img
- with UltraIso: New -> Bootable CD -> diskette1.img
- CTRL-S to save ISO as diskette1.iso
- F7 -> burn to CD
- the CD boots and minutes later I will be asked for the second diskette. Normally :-)

To see, what is the contents of the diskette1.img I use UltraISO:
- Open -> diskette1.img
and I see 6 files:

Up to know everything is clear

Now I try to expand the floppy image to the size of 6 floppys (1.44 x 6 = 8,64):

- Start easyboot
- Tools -> Create new Floppy Image
 Seed:               diskette1.img
 Image Size:         8640
 Output Image File:  diskette1_expanded_to_8640.img

It seams to work, but if I open the new file "diskette1_expanded_to_8640.img" with UltraISO it is empty. :-(

Anyway, I try to burn it like my succeeded try 1 above, but the CD doesn't boot.

Ok, I reopened the image "diskette1_expanded_to_8640.img" again and put all the content of the 6 floppy with drag and drop into the image
and save it as "diskette1_expanded_to_8640_with_content.img"

But how can I make this img bootable? I tried many things but nothing works.

For example in the post nr4 from the tread;f=2;t=1240   :

|   Solution:
|   1) Download , unpack it to c:\ , you will get a folder as c:\ezboot
|   2) Copy your IMG file to c:\ezboot, rename it as bootdisk.img
|   3) Start UltraISO, choose 'New'->'Bootable CD/DVD image', specify c:\ezboot\loader.bin as boot file
|   4) Add folder c:\ezboot to the image area (All files in this folder will be added by default)
|   5) Save to an ISO and burn

Ok my try:

- I download the file and extract it to c:\ezboot
- copy my "diskette1_expanded_to_8640_with_content.img" to c:\ezboot and rename it to bootdisk.img
- UltraISO -> new -> bootable CD -> c:\ezboot\loader.bin
- Actions -> Add directory ... -> c:\ezboot  
 => exactly 3 files (bootdisk.ezb, bootdisk.img, loader.bin) and the folder "ezboot" will be added)
- Save to ISO "my_try1.iso" and born and doesn't work :-(

I don't understand how it should work that the content of the bootdisk.img are will be booted

Next try:
- I load the diskette1.img
- Bootable -> Save Boot File ... -> "diskette1-img-bootfile.bsf"
- I load then "diskette1_expanded_to_8640_with_content.img"
- Bootable -> Load Boot File -> "diskette1-img-bootfile.bsf"
- Save
- new -> bootable CD -> "diskette1_expanded_to_8640_with_content.img
- Ctrl-S to save as "my_try2.sio" and burn and doesn't work :-(

I tried also the extracting bootfile from the working diskete1.iso, but it doesn't work too

What is my mistake? What I have to do to make the expanded floppy-image with the contents of all 6 floppys bootable?

many thanks in advance
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 Post Number: 2
xoben Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Jun. 30 2007,23:04 Skip to the previous post in this topic. Skip to the next post in this topic. Ignore posts   QUOTE

1) The first step is creating a large size image which keeps boot sector of the original floppy #1. The newly created image should be empty.
2) All files and folders of the 6 floppy images should be extracted to a temp folder first, then add tem to the newly created empty large image
3) The large image is not a normal 1.2M/1.44M/2.88M floppy image, so it cannot be used as boot image file directly.
4) In general, you can use 'run xxx.img' as command with EasyBoot, but NOT ALL SYSTEMS work on large image. It is confirmed that setup disks of Windows XP CANNOT work this way.
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 Post Number: 3
skyteddy Search for posts by this member.


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PostIcon Posted on: Jul. 02 2007,13:13 Skip to the previous post in this topic.  Ignore posts   QUOTE


thank you for your answer.

(xoben @ Jul. 01 2007,03:04)
1) The first step is creating a large size image which keeps boot sector of the original floppy #1. The newly created image should be empty.

As you can read in my posting, the new image was empty

2) All files and folders of the 6 floppy images should be extracted to a temp folder first, then add tem to the newly created empty large image

Done exacly if you describe

3) The large image is not a normal 1.2M/1.44M/2.88M floppy image, so it cannot be used as boot image file directly.

What does it mean? How can I make the new image bootable?

4) In general, you can use 'run xxx.img' as command with EasyBoot, but NOT ALL SYSTEMS work on large image. It is confirmed that setup disks of Windows XP CANNOT work this way.

:-( this seams to be the problem.

many thanks.
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