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Topic: Fedore Core 7 Live CD?, How to integrate Fedora Core 7 Live CD?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
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aaronpriest Search for posts by this member.


Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: Jul. 2007
PostIcon Posted on: Jul. 25 2007,11:48   Ignore posts   QUOTE

Well, I've successfully got UBCD4Win 3.05 (BartPE), UBCD DOS 4.1.1,  Acronis Disk Director Server 10, Knoppix 5.1.1, and a few other bootable diagnostic CDs to work properly with EasyBoot on a DVD. I'm most impressed! It took a lot of reading and studying on the forums, but it really wasn't that hard when I got the big picture.

So now I would like to add Fedora Core 7 Live CD, and I'm really stumped! I tried the Knoppix approach and it works to a point: I get the logo and menu when I boot, vmlinuz and initrd.img load, but after uncompressing Linux and booting the kernel it says it "Cannot find root file system!". I noticed that Fedora 7 LiveCD has a squashfs.img and I don't know how this gets called from isolinux.cfg, initrd.img, or vmlinuz. How do I get this to work with EasyBoot?

BTW, the temporary image I built (like what I did for Knoppix) does not boot either and has the same error, so this is not an EasyBoot problem. Here is the command I used to build the .iso:

mkisofs -pad -l -r -J -v -V "Fedora-7-KDE-Live-i386" -b fedcore7/isolinux.bin -c fedcore7/ -hide-rr-moved -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o c:\temp\fedcore7.iso .

This appears to be a completely different type of LiveCD than Knoppix uses.

Thanks for the help!

Aaron D. Priest
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