Post Number: 1

Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: Dec. 2007
Posted on: Dec. 04 2007,09:12 |
i have problems with hirens boot cd 9.3
i have added the iso file in the ezboot folder and i start it with: bcdw \ezboot\hiren.iso
when i start this from my cd i becomme the massage:
Invalid System Disk Replace the disk ....
Thanks for any help siggi47
Post Number: 2

Group: Super Administrators
Posts: 2200
Joined: Nov. 2004
Posted on: Dec. 05 2007,20:16 |
Just tested with Hiren's BootCD 9.3, the command 'bcdw /ezboot/hiren.iso' worked.
Post Number: 3

Group: Members
Posts: 2
Joined: Dec. 2007
Posted on: Dec. 06 2007,11:30 |
Thanks xoben,
now i can boot hiren 9.3 iso ,
i can start , but when i select a programm in hirens it is not possible to execute them , the massege that comes say: bootCD not found
are there any Solution 
Thanks for any feed back
Post Number: 4

Group: Members
Posts: 73
Joined: May 2007
Posted on: Dec. 06 2007,12:19 |
It seems that bcdw.bin can start the (hiren's) bootsector only but cannot recognize/assign the rest cd.
Hiren's bootsector is in fact a floppy image of 1,44 mb and hiren's bootcd uses floppy emulation to run in bios. Floppy contains only the DOS operation system & DOS hardware drivers. The rest stuff (DOS applications) are placed in CD due to the lack of space.
The boot sequence is: easyboot run in bios launches the 1,44mb floppy image (as it was a real floppy-disk), floppy image starts DOS (io.sys, command.com), DOS executes config.sys & autoexec.bat and hirens menu pops up in the screen, you are selecting an application, autoexec.bat looks for the application in which ?? cd-drive?
The first cdrom is assigned to your (made from easyboot) multiboot cd. The second cdrom should be the "hirens.iso" & should be assigned by bcdw.bin
= I conclude that bcdw.bin can't load iso images completely.
alternative way (and has always worked for me flawlessly)
1. extract the contents of hirens boot cd in eazyboot root (aka disk1) 2. extract the bootsector of hirens boot cd (1.44mb exactly) 3. use a name for the bootsector such as "hiren.ima" or "hiren.bif" 4. drop hiren.ima oin ezboot folder (disk1\ezboot) 5. in easyboot menu, write the command "run hiren.ima" 6. compile (easyboot) multiboot iso and test it in virtual machine.
* i have tried this method dozens of times and always are succefull
Edited by billonious on Dec. 06 2007,12:19
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