Topic: [Help] I'm up to that Nano98 project which, keeps failing due to a small problem :( | < Next Oldest | Next Newest > |
Post Number: 1

Group: Members
Posts: 80
Joined: Nov. 2003
Posted on: Mar. 15 2005,10:55 |
I was up to that Nano98 project lately (windows98 in 4.5 mb ram disk). I made all files perfectly in order but there is a problem with FileSystem of RamDisk. All files appear to be in 8.3 format which is unsual in Windows mode! After a careful examination, I found the problem. My BIOS keeps 15-16 MB of reserved space for system. If I turn the 15-16MB reserved memory to "Add-On Cards" then my Nano98 Boots perfectly!
The solution of changing reserved memory to "Add-On Cards" in BIOS has its own side effects. All memory programs of DOS fails to start (for example SB Live Audio Drivers, RAR.SFX.EXE files, etc)
I am looking for a program (.EXE or .COM or .SYS) that can remove Reservations of BIOS under DOS
I am looking for a .EXE or .COM or .SYS which makes XMSDSK to create RamDisk After 15-16th MB of RAM's address!
This is one nasty problem with almost all assembled and some branded systems. Any help would be greatly appreciated 
I am looking forward to add this tiny OS as part of EZBoot's menu. So really desperate for solution...
Edited by Oxtie on Mar. 15 2005,10:57
Post Number: 2

Group: Members
Posts: 80
Joined: Nov. 2003
Posted on: Mar. 20 2005,03:04 |
uhhh... not good no replies since I left probably too difficult for newbies... but then also means not plenty of oldbies around
Post Number: 3

Group: Members
Posts: 19
Joined: Mar. 2005
Posted on: Mar. 27 2005,02:41 |
Did you try with the other version of the xmsdsk for emms memory?
Have you tried using the win98 boot disk? This one creates a ramdisk too. You can modify it to fit your project and see if it works.
I used to have a bookmart to a page with lots of DOS utilities, but it went to limbo when I reimaged my computer a few months a go. I remember seeing utilities for memory management on that page. If I fid the site again I'll try to post the link here.
Good luck.
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